Chapter 68: Meet My Father

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Cole's POV

"All right, hand them over," I said, holding open a case which held my scythe.

"Ah, ah. But no mortal shall posses all four," Jay said as he put his in. I glared at him.

"Very funny," I said.

"You wanna remind me again why we can't keep our weapons?" Kai asked.

"I told you my dad can't find out I'm a ninja. And I don't feel like making up excuses why I'm carrying a giant scythe around with me."

"I understand that. But is this really necessary?" Hebi asked, pointing to the cloak I made her wear.


"But it's so-so- constricting! How do you humans survive like this?"

"Be happy I'm not making you wear it full time."

"Are you sure no one will recognize me?" Lloyd asked.

"Yes. You're not as famous as you think. No one around here even knows about Pythor."

"But how can you know that for sure? What if-if-"

"If anyone tries to take you back there I'll end them," Hebi said, pulling out a knife from a pocket on the cloak.

"I'll take that!" I said, snatching it out of her hands.

"Don't worry, Lloydie. I have more." She pulled out another one.

"That one too!"

"And so much more." She pulled out two more.

"That are mine now!"

"And more than that!"

"Where are you getting these knives?"

"How many do I have? Nobody knows!"

"Seriously! Did you make a deal with Sensei Wu or something?"

"Just give up. You'll never get them all."

"Ugh! I give up! Just don't hurt anyone!"

"No promises."

"Remember the plan. We find out who has the fangblade trophy, we snatch it, and then we get out of town." I knocked on the door.

"Just a moment!" My father said. After a moment he opened the door.

"Hey, dad! How long has it been?"

"What? You to good for the doorbell?" He slammed the door.

"I guess we have a new winner for worse dad of the year," Hebi said.

"Use the bell, son." I stared at the door for a second before ringing the doorbell.

"Welcome!" the bell sang. The door then opened up, and my dad chuckled.

"Come on in, son. It's been forever!" Dad said. He pulled me into an embrace. "What did you bring? A quintet? Come in! Come in! I've got a kettle of lemon honey tea on the stove right now!"

"I take it back. Garmadon's worse," Hebi said. I sighed. At least Garmadon didn't put so much pressure on his son!


"Did my son tell you I broke my foot? It was the cha cha, but I swear the percussionist had it in for me," dad said.

"No, dad, I didn't tell them about your silly stories," I said annoyed.

"Well, I wish you had! Your dad sounds so cool!" Hebi exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. Clearly she doesn't know what cool is.

"Thanks! Now what did you say your name was?"

"Hebi. Hebi Sl-"

"Slim!" Lloyd said. Hebi blinked.

"No, it's-"

"Exactly what I just said." Lloyd gave Hebi a look, and she sighed.


"Okay..... You two seem a bit young to be in my son's class. How old are you?" Dad asked. I paled. Oh no.

"Ten. Me and Lloyd are ten. We're child prodigies."

"No, we're-" Lloyd began. This time Hebi shut him up with a look.

"Lloyd here knows every dancing style imaginable! And I can sing any note. Even notes only dogs can hear."

"Really?" Dad asked in disbelief.


"Well, my son's lucky to have such amazing classmates."

"I sure am!" I said, giving Hebi and Lloyd looks. "Anyways. We have this, um, research paper! On the history of Ninjago talent! And what we really wanted to know was, how can we get our hands on the blade cup?" I asked.

"You're talking about getting your hands on the blade cup. The most prized and heavily guarded award in all of Ninjago. The symbol of excellence in harmony and grace? You can't just get it. You must earn it. You have to exhibit style, perfect pitch. Push the boundaries of artistic license. And win this year's Ninjago talent show!

"Is there an easier way?" Lloyd asked.

"Is this why you came? You knew I was injured, and when my quartet insisted we shan't go on you five have come to take my place? Ha ha! Igneous! My son, bringing fourth the next evolution of the royal blacksmiths! Let me hear the sweet, sweet sound of harmony." We all looked at eachother.

"HaRMoNy!" We sang badly. Except me. I refuse to sing. 

Just behind us though Lloyd and Hebi sang. And they actually sounded..... Good.

"How?" I asked. I'm pretty sure Hebi's never sang in her life. And the same can probably be assumed for Lloyd. So how in Ninjago were they that good?

"Told ya I was a prodigy," Hebi said, smiling happily. Dad was staring at the rest of us in shock. I sighed.

"Look, dad. We just need the trophy."

"Yeah. We're bringing home the gold, and-and we want you to train us," Kai said. I stared at him shocked.

"I've never been more proud. If you'll excuse me I need to write a song about my feelings," dad said before leaving.

"What are you doing?" I asked angrily.

"Look, we enter this competition, so we can get close enough to the blade cup. Once we get the fangblade we leave town. How hard can this be?" Kai said. I sighed.

"Incredibly hard."

"Be optimistic!" Hebi said. I glared at her.

"And that's another thing! How do you expect to live up to those lies?"

"I'm not the only one who lied! So did Lloyd!"

"It was a fake name! Not exactly a lie," Lloyd said.

"Okay, but it was unnecessary! No one even knows about us!"

"Yes, but have you ever heard of someone having Slithers as a last name? That's clearly a serpentine last name!"

"I can let the fake name slide. But not the child prodigy lie! You're lucky you have natural singing talent, but I know for a fact that you're a horrible dancer!" I said.

"I've seen her dance! She's pretty good."

"That's because she practices for hours on end to get that dance just right, but she hasn't practiced for this. So..."

"You think we're doomed," Hebi said.

"No, I know we're doomed."

"We'll see."

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