Part 140

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I'm writing a book for my capstone. ( a school project) 

and I need help.


"The Daethos think they are God's, so I will be exactly what they think of me, a delinquent sinner."

What's it like to fall in love with death himself?Cyra's life changes when the earth is hit by a deadly but magical virus, Aurelia-17. Originating from a celestial event connecting to Aurora Borealis. This virus either weakens people, or makes them powerful. Only those who are strong enough may wield its power. The Daethos think they are the only ones who can gain from this virus, that only they deserve to harness its abilities. But power is addicting. The Daethos would risk anything to get more of it, even their own lives. Cyra is forced to find the beauty and gain from death and loss. Determined to fight against self proclaimed God's for a chance at an equal life, Cyra is thrust into a world of action and hurt. Falling for a Daethos whose ability is to inflict death with a flick of his wrist was not a part of the plan. She must decide, is putting herself in danger worth it for love?With the virus, it's either hurt, or be hurt. In a world full of power, she's powerless. And it's used against her. So she sets out on a mission to change that.

Daethos have overran the government in this world, they have powers thanks to Aurelia-17. They want all the power and they think it should be long to only them. so people are 'disappearing' (but really they must've found Aurelia and the daethos eliminated them.)  because nobody except daethos knows powers exist and they want to keep it that way.

Okay so we have Cyra. She happens upon a star piece ( or rather an Aurelia piece) one day, and she gains power from it. - I'm thinking something in the realm of metal manipulation. As she gets the powers  the daethos authority show up and her parents are dead. They take her away to Mikathos (they're castle) and I'm kinda lost here. like what characters do I add. what should they say to her?

There she meets a Daethos member Caspian. He is supposed to interrogate her. He finds out the Daethos are planning on searching the earth for more Aurelia pieces, so they can eliminate all those who don't have power. he doesn't agree with what they want to do. 

He and Cyra form a bond while shes in captivity  of Daethos. And like we said, the virus either weakens or empowers. so first she is very weak because of Aurelia. But then she discovers she has powers. Caspian tells her to run because he knows theyll kill her once the dae find out she has powers and that the virus didn't kill her.

from here.... where do I go.

did I mention Caspians power is literal death? He can cause death.


"so, can you control peoples death?" "In a way. I can inflict death, but not control it." "So you cant prevent it?" he thinks for a moment. "I cannot go against death, it is inevitable. But I can exchange mine, if i wanted to save someone."

"You could exchange your life for someone elses?" he nods.

"I have many powers, Cyra. I am basically death itself. But I have never thought of exchanges... until I met you."

"I would do anything for you."


I know ill have her against the Daethos. and do something like "they are God's so I will make myself a sinner." "I'll take their asses to church."

Cyra will go after Aurelia pieces. Get more power yada yada yada.

Ill have Caspian and Keidon (Cyra's best friend) butt heads a lot but I need things for them to fight about.

throughout the book Cyra and Caspian are clearly meant to be but she doesn't trust him because he's a Daethos, and she thinks he killed her family. and because he is literally death himself. like hello?

and then he sacrifices himself for her.

I get hit. My vision blurs as I am overwhelmed with immeasurable pain. I'm dying, and I know it.

All I see is black, until I realize, I'm laying on the ground. All my pain is gone. I look down at my body, I am completely unscathed. There's a moment of relief, until I hear a grunt of pain next to me.

Caspian is lying there, the sword pierced through his abdomen. He was just on the other side of the field.... How did he get here?

That sword... it's the exact one that ___ thrust into my stomach only a moment ago.

Then it hits me.

He exchanged his life for mine.

[Chapter end]

Next chapter in Caspians pov.

Rewind a few moments before battle. then lead up to same moment. I see ___ and Cyra across the field, suddenly Cyra stumbles a bit from his advance. There's an opening, I see it. So does ___, he brought his arm forward and it pierced right through her flesh. I feel my world stop. The image of her being stabbed flashes through my mind. I cant let that happen. The God's above could not have been more cruel for trying to take her from this earth.

I don't even take a second to think over my actions. Hell would not compare to a world without Cyra. So I make my choice.

And I use a side of my powers I have never used before.

It's black, then I see Cyra looking down at me.

"tell me you didn't just do that.." She whispers in disbelief and I see her eyes dart down to where the sword now lies impaled in me. I reach up to cup her cheek, making her look back to me. "Don't look."

Cyra tries to stop the bleeding with her powers. 'He's loosing too much blood. There's nothing I can do. He saved me with his powers. But I couldn't save him with mine.'


Oh and Keidon killed Cyra's parents but that's revealed later in the book and he does a whole dramatic betrayal scene to Cyra.

see I have these plot points like Cyra getting captured, meeting Caspian, a big battle where he sacrifices himself, Keidon betrays her but what do I do in between all that?

Like I need help y'all lol.

I've written books before but I've never created a world from scratch. its always been fanfictions and I have no idea what to do to fill these points in.

oh but at the end she defeats the daethos. shes standing at the throne by herself. reflecting on all shes fought to get there.


"miss me, my love?"

yeah he doesnt die for long. 

I just need ideas. idk what to do tbh.

or is this all just so stupid. I feel like this is dumb. 

I might just scratch all of this and do a poetry book for this assignment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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