Patrica parker

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I got this idea from another story I read. It's very similar and I can't remember the authors name.

Peter woke up and got out of bed. He felt something brushing against his back but he thought it was nothing.he went into his washroom and stood in shock. He was a girl! He had long brown straight hair with slight curls at the bottom. He had a girly form. He Knew it was his uncle Loki. Playing another prank on him. Peter knew Loki wanted peter to be shocked and absolutely pissed off. " I might as well make the most of this" Peter mumbled to him self smirking. If he made the most of this Loki's prank would backfire and Loki would be the one pissed.

Peter ran into his moms room. His dad was already in his lab working. " mom! Mom!" His voice even sounded more girly. Pepper sat up in bed she gasped. " uhmmm who are you?" Pepper asked still tired. " mom it's me! Peter!" Peter said. Pepper gasped again " peter?!? What happened?!" Pepper asked concerned.
" did a bad guy do this? Should we get your father?!". " no mom I'm fine. It's a prank Loki's pulling on me but ima make it backfire on him. " ahhh ok.come into the bathroom I will make you look beautiful" Peter sat on the toilet cover while pepper did his makeup. She curled the bottom of Peters hair and She put a red and black striped sleeveless noodle strap crop on him and a black Short skirt. " you look gorgeous !" Pepper said as peter admired himself in the mirror. " wow thanks mom! But this shirt shows my stomach, I think it's to small." Peter exclaimed. " peter it's a crop top it's supposed to do that. Haven't you seen a girl wear that before?" Pepper explained. " ohhhh, it feels a bit weird tho." " you will get used to it. You can help me cook everyone will be very confused on why I would be calling you peter." Peter chuckled at that and they were going to walk out of the door when pepper said " wait!" She turned back to her closet and got our black heels. " finishing touch!" Pepper said smiling. Peter smirked and surprisingly peter was a natural at walking in heels. " to be honest I'm a bit jealous peter" pepper said said jokingly and whispering. Peter chuckled.

Peter and pepper walked into the kitchen. All the Avengers were sitting on the couch and Steve and Thor were sitting at the counter facing the kitchen. They all stared as the two walked in. " peter grab me the eggs in the freezer." Pepper asked. ( I don't know why eggs are in the freezer ok) Peter walked to the fridge that was infront of Thor and cap. He decided to mess with them a bit slowly bending down to the freezer pulling it open. He took out the eggs. His skirt was up. He closed the freezer and slowly got back up. He walked back over to pepper in the corner of his eye he could see Steve and Thor blushing. Loki gave him the evil eye. " god child! why do my pranks always back fire?"Peter just smirked.

Thirty minutes later. " hello ma'am I'm Steve Rogers what's your name?" Steve said handing out his hand for peter to shake. Peter shook it. " I don't think I'll tell you just yet." Peter said flirtingly Then walked away and winked at Steve. Steve smiled.

By the end of the day peter has managed to get all the Avengers eyes at least once. It was twelve pm and he turned back into his own form. Peter went to his room to change. He walked back into the kitchen and sat down. "Peter you forgetting something?" Pepper asked.

Peter just smiled sitting down a crossing his legs. Pepper started laughing.

" SON OF STARK?!?!" Thor asked? " peter?" Steeb asked.

Peter just winked at them.

" I'm hot as fuck"

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