Raised in Hydra ( part four)

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The next day, Tony brought a teen in the tower.

Tony introduced Peter to the team. They were all so happy to meet him.

They all talked to peter for a hour and they really liked the kid.

Bucky then came in the room( he is a late sleeper) the Avengers all turned to face Bucky.

Then the teen turned around and Bucky's heart froze.

Was that him? Was that the Peter he was with in Hydra? It couldn't be. Could it?

As soon as the teen turned around he seemed to stop too.

" p-peter?" Bucky finally managed to spit out.

" B-Bucky?" Peter replied.

Bucky slowly started walking to the couch and peter slowly stood up.

They stood infront if each other not knowing what to say,Or do.

Until they finally wrapped each other in a hug.
" I missed you peter." Bucky whispered.

" I missed you too"

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