But why were you sorry?

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  I dont wanna go....

                                              im sorry, Tony

Its been a year and Tony still couldn't get those words out of his head. The faint whisper of a dying boy and his last words.

They kept him up at night repeating themselves over and over. A reminder that its his fault.

If only he was strong enough to save him.

If only he could have saved Peter..

If  only he could have saved the billions that died.

if only he could have saved the pain.

If only...

If only he could figure out what those words meant.

The kid said them a lot, too much actually.  But he couldn't figure out why.

why was he sorry?

Why would he apologize  as hes about to die?

Sorry for boarding the ship? Well he had no choice. The kid always wanted to help people.

"Then the bad stuff happens, they happen because of you"

Tony smiled, remembering the time he showed up at Peter's apartment. The first time they met. He was carrying a old rotor from the trash. Peter was always figuring out ways to make amazing things with so little that he had.

What a smart kid.

Stop getting distracted, Tony.

Sorry he couldn't pull the gauntlet off? Nah, that was Peter's fault.

The other Peter.

Sorry for showing weakness? Well the kid did hate being weak.

The kid was anything but weak, he survived a whole warehouse falling on him.  stopped a boat from splitting in two with his bare hands, and was willing to tear himself in half to stop the cruise ship from falling apart.

Not only physically strong, but mentally.

High school is hard, balancing a ton of homework for eight classes, his home situation wasn't the best, His parents and his uncle died, and being a superhero.

None of that stuff is easy, and it makes it worse that he's juggling all of that at once.

He was.




Tony searched his brain that could give him any clues.

Its like solving a whole murder mystery.

This was harder then any contraption Tony has had to build, or any plans for missions he had to make, with peoples lives on the line.


"What if somebody died out there?! Different story, right? Cause that's on you. But if you died...

..I'd feel like that's on me"

" I don't need that on my conscience"

" Sir I understan-"

" Yes"

" I jus- I just wanted to be like you.."

Why did Peter want to be like him? He's made so many mistakes...

And most of all, He let Peter die.

Wait that's it.

" If you died, I'd feel like that's on me"

Peter experienced so many deaths in his life and he knows how it feels to carry the weight and guilt of someones death.

He'd understand better then anyone.

Even as he was leaving this earth Peter was thinking about someone else, Never thinking about himself.

And all I could do was let him die......

" Tony!!"

Peppers call brought Tony back to reality.

Tony didn't even notice the tears on his cheeks until Pepper stopped in the doorway looking sympathetic at him.

" Oh Tony..." Pepper said softly as she sat on the bed next to him.

" Thinking about Peter again?"

Tony didn't even try to deny it.

" You've been grieving him for longer then you've known him"

" Im sorry Pep-"

" Tony don't apologize."

There it is again.....

Im sorry

" I came to tell you the baby's kicking again" Pepper looks down to her stomach.

" I think its going to be a girl" Tony says.

" I think boy"

" If it's a boy we can name him Peter" Pepper smirks.

Tony smiles.

" I'd like that"

that took a hour to write and i dont know why.

It didn't feel long tho so meh.

now that ive finished this ima write a chapter on my upcoming book that im so excited to release.

Ive only got three chapters but the chapters are loooong.

so it was snowing and i threw a snowball at my dad.

He proceeded to pick up a huge snowball and scream " I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT!!!"

I've corrupted life with memes and specifically Hamilton its great.

He also shouted yeet after that lol.

He also shouted yeet after that lol

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