If i cant save you....

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I really like this one
Since I love x reader rn....

You can imagine yourself 😊


Y/N=your name

( P.s I won't kill you. I love you guys too much 💕)

" ah" I let out a slight grunt at the pain in my body, I slump down onto one of the quinjets chairs.

I start to wrap my arm to stop the blood. Once I secure the wrap around my arm I move to my next wound.

" ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" I whisper under my breathe.

" See!!" Peter's outburst startles you a bit. " THIS is why I don't want you coming on missions with me!"

" Oh boohoo I have some wounds. I'll be fine" I roll my eyes. " Y/N this isn't a joke!"

" You could get seriously injured!!" Peter shouts. I have never seen him this angry or raise his voice.

" So could you" I shoot back. It didn't sound angry, it was a more calm and gentle but a reasonable  approach.

I looked back at my wound and continued to treat it as Peter paced a bit around the quinjet.

I stop dead in my movements and look him in the eye.

" You don't think I know the risks?"

Sensing my stop, Peter turns to face me.

" I've watched you leave for months, not knowing if you'd come back.  I'm very aware of these risks, Peter" I say very seriously. Memories of me anxiously waiting around knowing he could be dying at any moment.

Saying that made me feel like the bad bitch that I am.

( yes u are hunny! You go! I'm so proud of my potato children!)

Peter sighed and takes a seat. " It's clear I'm not going to change your mind"

I smirk to myself, knowing I just won the argument. Again, I'm amazing.

( yeshh!! Slay! I'm a proud potato mama)

" So could you tell me why?" Peter asks looking up at me.

I just finished up tending to my wounds, I look up at him with a raised eyebrow before packing up the medical supplies I used.

" Why would you want this for yourself?" He asks in way more of a gentle tone then he was a minute ago.

I stand up to put the medical kit away in a cabinet. Once I close the cabinet I turn and look at Peter softly.

" If I'm going to go.... I might as well do something good " I say giving a slight, weak smile. " You of all people should understand"

" I just....." Peter starts, clearly struggling with words.

" I just don't want to loose you"

I walk over to him, my steps aren't strong. Light, airy, gentle and slow.

I place my hand on his shoulder and give him another smile.

He is looking down, avoiding eye contact with me.

He finally looks up at me with his beautiful eyes. How I love those eyes, how I dream of them every night.

But it's different right now. Now they look worried, concerned and with pain.

" Your important to me. You can't go off dying"

" Then I'll say the same for you"

I'm sorta on a roll for publishing.

I actually really like this. It's shorter then my usual chapters but it's sweet and cute.

Pls tell me what you thought of this chapter.

I'm actually in a hotel rn, writing this.
Lemme say the beds here are AAAAMAAAAAZINGGGGGGG

Ngl, I'm probably gonna write another chapter XD.

But I have to get some requests done!!
But I have another ideaaaaaaaaa.

I ALWAYS say " I have to get requests done"

And then I just continue with something else because I got another idea -_-

I mean, better then writers block 🤷‍♀️

And I'm happy I'm being imaginative lmao.

I need that because sometimes I need to feel young again.

Like a child, playing with toys are daydreaming.

Yeah I'm being weird...

So ima just.....


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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