The knot

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Today was supposed to be the happiest day ever, don't get me wrong it was happy.

It was just missing something, the Parkers.

Today was the day, Tony and Pepper would tie the knot.

Tony had grown attached to the kid, they were always together. Whether that be working in the lab, doing movies nights or whatever the hell it is they do.

After all, Peter was the one that ended up pushing for Tony to propose.

But he didn't even know it. He makes so much good things happen in the world and he doesn't even know it. Tony proposing as a example.

Peter played such a big part in Tony's life ( and in him proposing yet Peter wasn't even there he was leaving the compound)

Tony knew he wanted Peter to have a big part in it, obviously. Whether it be just simply holding the rings, to him being the jr. best man. ( Rhodey being the first and Peter being a bit young)

But nobody would know that about Tony stark, how a kid made his way into the mans heart. Tony smiled as he looked down at the small photo in his hands.

A picture of him and Peter. He quickly tucked it to the inside of his jacket as he went out to meet the people.

During the ceremony he glanced over at the two empty seats in the front. In his mind, Peter was sitting there. His goofy smile starring back at him.

                          ~Flash back~

Pepper and Tony are at the venue for the ceremony, men were placing chairs in rows.

Each row and each chair counted exactly to the number of guests. Two extra chairs were about to be put away, when Tony remembered something, or someone.

" Leave them" Tony kindly insisted to the man. " Tony, those are extras" Pepper said. " I-It will even it out" Tony replies.

He didn't even tell Pepper who came to his minds when he saw those seats.

Peter and May.

They knew May got dusted while she was at work.

                            ~ present~

It was time to cut the cake, Pepper and Tony both placed a hand on the knife as they cut into the nicely decorated huge cake.

They fed each other and got it onto each other's face, giggles arose from the cute couple.

Mr. and Mrs.Stark

Had a nice ring to it.

Lots of pictures were taken.

Then it was time for the first dance. They walked to the dance floor, hand in hand.

They danced happily as the lights twinkled around them.

" Well Mrs.Stark...." Tony began.

Pepper smiled, It was a nice name.

" It's so crazy" Pepper whispered. " What is?" Tony smiled.

" Everything. This is the day I've been dreaming about since I was a little girl" Tony could see the clear glimmer in her eyes, she was truly happy.

And that's all he could ask for. Seeing her so happy, made him happy.

" And all our friends and family is here to support us" Pepper finished.

Tony glanced over at the Avengers ( Tony and Steve had made up already) But he couldn't help but just think about all the other people, who were supposed to experience and enjoy their lives, as he was right now.

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