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This story is kinda similar and inspired by milkshakefandom. Enjoy!

Tony was in the kitchen making some breakfast
The Avengers were chilling around on the couch. Just a regular Saturday morning.
Then Tony's lab door swung open. The noise caused all the Avengers look.

A teen came out. Tear streaks on his face. He just stood there. All the Avengers looked worried. " peter? Are you ok?" Tony asked. Peter then ran up to tony and gave him a big hug.

" another nightmare?" Tony whispered. Peter just shook his head still crying into his mentors/now father figures chest.

" what happened?" Tony asked as he used one hand to brush his hands through Peters curly brown hair.

" n-nothing I just m-missed you" peter said quietly. Tony smiled at his kid. He was sure that wasn't all. " it's only been one night" tony chuckled.Peter started crying again.


Peter woke up and got out of his room. Only steeb Natasha and Bucky were up they were watching tv. Peter decided to go to the lab and tinker with some things he has been working on.

Peter usually stays at the tower Friday night. He was surprised when he didn't see tony in his lab, usually tony gets up early and goes to the lab. Maybe he was still sleeping? He needs more rest.

After about ten minutes of tinkering peter didn't know what to do next. He saw a big dresser in the lab. That's were old project blue prints were.

Peter decided to take a look for some inspiration. He found a old dusty book that looks like it hasn't been looked at in years.

He figured it was one of Tony's old data books, peter loved looking at those. Peter opened the book.

Property of tony stark 15 years old do NOT read.

Should peter be reading this? It was like thirty five years ago, probably not relevant now. A peek couldn't hurt.

My dad says diaries are for little girls, but here I am. Writing a diary entry. It's not like anyone will see this right? Howard doesn't pay much attention to me.

He's always busy with work. And when he's not he's sleeping or tinkering in his lab.

Peter always knew tony didn't have the best dad. But was it really that bad? Peter decided to find out, so he turned the page.

I just got accepted into MIT I'm not to excited about it, I could honestly care less. Mom is proud of me and dad, well dad doesn't really care. Not surprising.

All he said to me was ' good job son' and just a slight pat on my back. When I'm walking around the city, I see family's together having fun, playing board games together.

I barely do anything with my family. They are always busy with work they only care because in the future if SI.

Peter felt bad for tony, he knew how it felt to not have parents. It wasn't a good feeling.

This is it. Clara says she wants to break up with me because I'm not 'strong enough for her' all my friends don't talk to me anymore. They completely ignore me.

My parents are still the same, haven't changed . Everything I do to impress them is not enough.

So it all leads up to this I guess, nobody will care if I'm gone. My parents can just have another kid for the future of SI.

I've got the pills ready. Taking the whole bottle would be deadly. But I guess that's what I'm looking for.

I'm not going to leave note explaining anything. It would be better if just disappeared.

I hope nobody I know reads this.


Peter was crying now,Hard. He couldn't imagine tony going into that part of his life. Attempting to commit suicide. Obviously he knew tony got better. But just the thought of it hurt peter. There was another page. Peter didn't want to read it but he forced himself too.

I fucking failed. I only took half of the bottle but it was still enough for me to go to the hospital. I knew I should have taken the whole bottle.

My parents were mad. My mom decided to get me a therapist. That's the last thing I could want right now.

My dad was pretty upset. Not because I tried to kill myself. But because then there would be no future for SI.

That's all he ever cares about. Is his company. That's his real baby. He doesn't give a shit about me. I want to try again so bad. But that would just look way to shameful.

If I live to have kids, I don't want to ruin them.
I guess I'll be around for a bit longer, but who knows we're my messed up brain will take me.
It might bring me to try again, or I might be the future of SI like my dad wants me to. Who knows.

Back to present

Peter was still clung tony tightly. " you don't ruin me tony" peter whispered. Tony's eyes widened in remembrance. Flashbacks of his father saying things to him that made him hurt. Then he remembered exactly where that was from. That old book that he wrote years ago. He hasn't read or looked at that thing since.Tony decided to lighten the mood with a little tony humour.

" was I supposed to think I did?" Tony chuckled. Peter just hugged tony tighter. " I love" Tony's eyes got even bigger.

Then he smiled fondly. " I love you to son"

"Now we need to talk about you going through my stuff"

" it was a accident!"
" uh huh"

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