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Peter was nervous. ( I'm not sure what about) and one of Peters nervous habits was to curl his hair. Sam then made fun of peter doing that  then received a angry " FUCK YOU!!" From peter. The Avengers all starred at him. Tony and Steve being the most upset. " language young man" Steve said. " PETER!" Tony said in a stern voice. Peter knew what he had done. It was a accident it just slipped out of his mouth but he wasn't sorry to Sam.

Peter was in the kitchen he was starving. He accidentally dropped his plate. " UGHHHHH OH SULFUR HYDROGEN IODINE TAU!!!" Peter said angrily. The Avengers just starred at peter in confusion like he just spoke a doffrent language. Tony and Bruce however were shocked. Bruce being shocked that peter can just pull that off of his mind that easily.Tony being shocked at what he said.

Sam was saying something to peter. That obviously annoyed peter and was something peterdidn't like. Peter listened to Sam say it for about five minutes when he couldn't handle it anymore. " YOUR A ARSENIC SULFUR HOLMIUM LEPTON ELECTRON!!" Peter snapped. Earning a very confused face from Sam.

      " peter Benjamin PARKER STARK!!!"

The Avengers were sitting on the couch when they heard loud screaming startle them from down the hallway. " OH FLOURINE URANIUM CARBON POTASSIUM OFF!!" Peter was most likely telling at Sam. the Avengers once again confused were questioning the boys yelling.Tony stood up from the couch with a pissed off look on his face.

                         " room NOW!!"

Peter came out of the elevator angry. The Avengers looked at him with concern. " what's wrong peter?" Natasha asked. " I met this guy and he was so rude to me and he's a ABSOLUTE DEUTRIUM IODINE CARBON POTASSIUM!!!" Peter shouted In anger.
" Ummmmm I only got the first part. Was someone rude to you?" Clint asked very confused. The rest of the Avengers all shared the same confused look.


Once again, Sam was annoying peter. Tony already knew peter was going to say something eventually when he looses it. " peter don't do it" tony said.  A few minutes later.  " SAM YOUR A TUNGSTER HOLMIUM RHENIUM!!" Sam again, with a confused look on his face was very confused.
    " ugh alright that's enough Parker, Sam stop causing my kid to swear or he's gonna grow up to be like you, you dick ass" tony said.

             " MR.STARK ROOM NOW!"

Authors note
Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I know I don't have very many readers reading this but to those of you who are thank you so much it means a lot. And sorry if you didn't get it. Maybe some people could explain in the comments? See you guys in the next chapter! Baiiiii!

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