Til the end of the line

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Peter was on a mission with his Aunty Natasha.

But they were loosing...

There was too many guys to hold off, both of them so badly injured.

They knew, they were going to die.

But whatever they knew, they kept fighting.

Peter looked over to his aunt, she looked back at him. Making meaningful eye contact.

As peter looked in her eyes a light filled his vision.

And all the memories came back.

The times she helped him with his homework.

The times he would watch in awe of her dancing gracefully in her pointe shoes.

How she smiled at him when she was proud of him.

The family her, Peter and the Avengers became.

Peter smiled, he knew that these were his last moments with his aunt.

But he also knew, that if things end badly he will see his aunt again. In another life, or in the after life. Cause she is a person he loves and cares for and nothing will keep them apart.


In my culture, death... is not the end.

- Chadwick Boseman, Black panther.

Dang I really, hit hard with that quote at the end.

See what I did with the title? 😌😉

( too bad it turned out to be a FUCKING LIE!! Cap HOW DARE YOU LIE TO BUCKY!!)

And also, I'm just pumping out these chapters all in ONE hour.
This hotel room is getting me to WRITE.

ALSOOOOO, I have another imagination pretend scene for youuuu 😊

( that's basically why I wrote this chapter,

I know it's short but I'm giving you a imagination scene to make up for it. )

I got emotional this one tho.

IMAGINE you're fighting for your life beside your love, You glance at each other, knowing your about to loose/and/or die. But then a bright light fills your vision, you see the memories of love and laughter that you shared. You smile, knowing that even if things end badly you will see them again even in another life. Cause they are the person you love and nothing will ever take them away from you.

Play this at 0:49 and imagine that

Tha feels.


Lemme know if I should do more of these weird imagination things.

Probably not.

Idk, I like them.

Or I just have weird imagination.

K bai!!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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