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This was requested by spideylove4545 and angie36912

And a few other ppl

Btw Tom Holland is in this chapter


Tom Woke up at 10:00. ( I wake up at 12:00 on weekends😂) He had a long day of filming yesterday. Honestly, he thought some of Peter was rubbing off on him.

He looked around the room. It was huge and definitely not his room. As he got out of bed he noticed he was wearing iron man pj's. He didn't put that on last night. And where was Tessa? She usually came and woke him up, and he didn't hear her barking or her tiny paws running around.

" What the" He whispered. He opened the door of the bedroom to find huge fancy corridors. He walked down it and found a huge fancy but modern living room. Is this one of the sets? He thought. Did I fall asleep on Set? I remember going home though.

Suddenly some tingly feeling at the back of his head went off. He ducked just as a pillow came flying at where his head would have been. He whipped around to see a familiar shadow.

" That never gets old" The shadow laughed. It came into the light and gave him a hug.
" Oh hi Robert. You scared me" Tom's accent came through.

" Ok, I don't know what you just called me. Is that from one of your memes? Because if it is, I'm ignoring it. And nice fake accent" Tony said. They broke out of the hug. " But please call me Tony kid. How many times do I have to say that?" Tony said.


" What?" Tony asked. " Robert I'm seriously freaking out please tell me your joking" " Pete, I don't know what your on about but please stop calling me that"
" Your not joking?" Tom asked slowly and seriously.

" What would I be joking about? Peter your acting weird" Tony said. " No no no, this is a joke. Please tell me your joking" Tom started pacing and turned back to Tony who shook his head. " No no no no, this is not happening no no no" Tom continued to pace back and fourth.

Tom took a deep breathe. " I know this is gonna sound crazy but...*deep breathe* I'm not Peter" Tom said hesitantly.

Tony just looked at him questioningly like he was crazy. " Peter ok, seriously. I know you Gen  z's or whatever's have weird humour but I'm seriously starting to worry. We're going to a doctor" Tony said wrapping a arm around 'Peter'.

Tom broke out of Tony's light embrace and started pacing again. " No no no I'm serious! This sounds crazy but I'm not Peter! I'm Tom Holland. I-"

" Peter, Stop. Stop with this weird Humour of yours. If you don't stop I'm gonna seriously think there is something wrong with you and I'm going to take you to Bruce for a mental health checkup" Tony said with concern.

The cinnamon roll Tom was he made a cute ( -_-) face. Now Tony was probably used to that face from Peter by now. " You seriously that low of me?" He asked.

Tony laughed, " Of course not Peter, just stop acting so weird and I won't take you to Bruce" he insisted.
Tom, or 'Peter' took a deep breathe out. " ok" he sighed.

" That's a good boy" Tony wrapped a arm around Peter and led him to the kitchen. Tom slowly sat down on a stool at the island. While Tony flipped some delicious smelling pancakes, his favorite. How did Tony know?

Guess him and Peter really are the same, OR Robert is playing a prank on him, because Robert basically IS Tony in everything he does.

" Peter gets treated like such a baby here" Tom whispered. " What was that Pete?" Tony or Robert asked, at this point Tom didn't know anything, but what he DID know, was that he was starving.

To be continued.....

Anyway, if u haven't been reading my Behind the scenes book I highly advise u to, because I've been doing updates on there of what's been going on in my life and why I haven't been on as much.

Sorry, I'm very sorry. Just lots going on.

Happy Valentine's Day! 💜

I missed school today to go to a dance competition

( Again, more in the behind the scenes book)

I've had this in my drafts since like the middle of December and it's now the middle of January.

I need to update on my replaced too. Honestly all I know is there in Mexico and fighting hydra ( and I suck at fight scenes) tbh.

I'll try to update more, maybe instead of just watching ya, and tik tok all day XDDD.

I probably lost so many readers.

Anyway, love u potatos!


" WhAt dEm FrIeD pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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