First time for everything

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Hi ok so I was tagged by Shurithevinequeen

Hi ok so I was tagged by Shurithevinequeen

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1. Nicknames nicknames: Nat, Laya. Nat is short for my real name which will not be revealed

2. Brown

3. Black/Blonde

4. Uhm idk. I dance uhmm I love Tom Holland! I have a two year old brother my friends friend got a DM from Tom ( I'm jealous)

5. Turquoise, purple

6. Not sure

7. Chris hemsworth, Chris Evans, Tom Holland, Scarjo, Lin Manuel Miranda

8. All of the Hamilton songs. Ariana grande songs

9. Horses,Kittens, Puppy's

10. Fan fictions on wattpad!

I've never been tagged before so this was cool!
( don't judge I have mood swings rn and just got up at freaking 7:00 PM!!! Yes PM!!! From a freaking two hour nap so there's that * cough it's THAT sucky time of the month*
Girls will understand ^^)
I tag






Ye that's it and I will try to publish more!



" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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