It affects a whole community

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Laughing, filming snapping.

Struggle, breathe.

" hahahahaha" laughs were heard from the group of boys filming the incident.

This was no incident, this was on purpose.


They posted it to snap chat, right when it was happening.

They caused it.

Caused him to die.

They were laughing, as he was dying.

Drugged him, filmed it, laughed at it.

Thought it was funny.

But it wasn't.

And it never will be.

This is serious.

Peter, was walking by when he saw a boy lying on the ground of a skate park.

He knew the boy, not personally. Never really speaked to him.

He just saw him at school the other day, walking with his friends. But here he was lying on the ground in front of him,


Peter immediately called the ambulance and was rushed to the hospital.

The boy,

Didn't make it.

The news was released to the public of a fourteen year old boy, dead.

Overdosed, by a group of boys. Who filmed it, who laughed at it.

" this is not something to be laughed at, this is a serious crime.

A little boy is now dead, because of drugs.

Because of bullying. He was laughed at, filmed until his final moments.

This is something to be taken seriously it's a crime. We need to find who did this,

It needs to change.

This is just one example of bullying. We need to change this, to stop death threats.

To stop bullying"

Peter stepped off the podium. He was met with the Avengers off stage. He hugged them all.

" I'm sorry peter" tony whispered as peter cling onto him.

" I never really knew him. But he was just a boy who is now gone, nobody deserved that." Peter cried into his mentors chest.

They made their way back to the car. The Avengers said he did great on his speech.

But he just wished he could have done more, got their sooner.

A few days later


All around his death sight. Outside of s high school.

Some from his family, some from complete strangers.

Peter never knew the boy, some people here didn't as well.

But it affects a whole community, in a way nothing else ever could.

This story is dedicated to Carson crimeni. I never knew you, never even got to see you. But you were probably a amazing person. Nobody deserves this, nobody deserves to go what you went through.

I know where it happened, and it doesn't just affect his family it affects us as a community.

He was overdosed by a group of boys who filmed his death and posted it. That's just sick.

I was not there when it happened, but if you know somebody that was, please step forward and make a change.

This is just one of the many examples of death through bullying. This needs to change.

Update: one whole year later....

Wow past me's writing is just.. eeek.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for the kind comments and support. I'm sure Carson would be very happy. It's amazing how people all over the world can read my writing based off a boy.

A boy who died tragically.

Thank you. <3

With love


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