If i had one more chance

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I watched Age of Ultron and this came out of it.

Wanda curled up against the dark coloured empty room with only a bed.

How could her life all of a sudden just crash?

The thirteen year old felt tears sting her eyes.

It's been two years since her parents died. And now she was homeless.

What is she doing here?

Why is she here?

Why is she putting herself up for this?

It's a test.

It could kill her.

" What's wrong, Baby?" A person asked walking into the room.

" You know technically we are the same age" Wanda remarked. " Yeah but I'm two minutes older" Pietro smirked sitting beside her.

He slung a arm around her and hugged her.

" Tell me what's bothering you"

" I don't know, I just miss them" Wanda said looking down at the floor. " I miss them too, Wands.

But I'll always be here for you"


Wanda jerked awake.

She looked around, she was still at her room in the compound.

She checked her phone.

5:00 am.

Wanda groaned.

It's too early to be dealing with this shit.

(Never related to anything more)

Wanda rolled over and tried to sleep. Her eyes just wouldn't close. After thirty minutes of trying she finally sighed and sat up.


Seriously? It had only been ten minutes?

Wanda sat on the side of her bed and pushed herself up. She changed into a red tank top and black pants.

She was surprised to hear no noises.

Usually Steve would be up early sometimes, training. Or Tony in his lab.

But nothing. The compound felt empty and quiet.

When she reached the training room she started off with the punching bag.

It was now six o' clock when Wanda finished. Going back to her room for a shower.

She played Hamilton and hummed along. She had her phone close to the shower and on a pretty low volume, not wanting to wake anyone up.

She always had music on when she did quiet things, to protect her from her own thoughts.

( lmao, writing from experience)

Once done, Wanda went to go get breakfast. She stopped when she saw a light, glowing from Tonys lab.

She peaked into the small window on the door of the lab. Surprisingly, Tony wasn't even in the lab.

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