Not rn

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Heyyy my potato children.

Sorry this isn't a chapter.

But, I wrote a whole theee paragraphs of a chapter on the computer and then I come on mobile and ITS NOT THERE!!!

I want to CRYYYYYY!!!


Anyway, it's a one hour drive to the campsite and I'm in the car rn.

I'm going camping.

I have never gone camping and I HATE bugs.

Even if there is just ONE SMALL BUG in the room I freak and get super paranoid.

I'm going to DROWN myself in bug spray every hour. I don't care if people judge.
I also have TWO bug protectors that I will be using. XDDD

Anyway, I just had soup and some coffee.

I had to wake up at ten am 😭

It's 2:59 so we should get there at 3:00.

I'm going to re-write ( if I can remeber) the bit of the chapter that I lost until we get to the campsite.

And when we get there we have to set up.

And I have a whole bag of my gluten free food. XD.

But gluten free shît is so expensive 😭

And a whole bunch of my cousins are gonna he there.

They range from 12-1  years old.

So I'm da oldest

And then adults and shît.

My grandparents are taking me while my brother and parents aren't here.

So when we get at the campsite we will probably eat and I will probably be non-social piece of shît that I am and just sit at the campfire and read my Hamilton and Peggy book.

I will also probably just read some fan fics too and write some chapters.

So yey.

I hate being social.

Also, I'm a dancer so I have to stretch but, at least what I'm told is that my grandparents brought a bug tent so hopefully I can get some space to stretch.


#Dancerstruggles 😭

I don't know what sleep is, so trying to sleep on a air mattress in a tent probably won't happen.

So I will probably just sneak out the tent while my grandparents are sleeping and just chill by the campfire with my books.


fricken cousins and family.

They can be very judgy.

Meh, I don't feel like taking to them lmao.

Still upset about my chapter 😭🤦‍♀️

King George called me

King George called me

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Ok, I will be updating hopefully soon because I will writting 🙂

Peace my children.

Don't sin too much😉

And don't eat your brothers and sisters,

Thank you.



" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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