The Cinders of it all

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Im back with another imagination thing!!

( I literally didn't go anywhere I've been sitting here for the past hour writting these nonstop
Tbh it's not like I can do anything else because my three year old brother is asleep on my leg CUTTING OFF MY BLOOD CIRCULATION!)

I'm sorry I just LOVE these imagination things so much.

Plus ya get a fan fic outta it as well.
I'd say it's a win win.
P.s it's another reader one.
( when it's a reader one ima say it's a potato one)

So it's a potato one.

That means you guys are my main characters! 😀
Because I love all of my 675 ( something like that) children!

Or this could be Peggy Carter pov.

I have never used her tho because I don't really ship.
This one you just play the music while you read


You walk up to the huge, grand doors and they open, letting you in.

Your hair is done in the most elegant of curls, with shining silver sparkles that would take you ages to get out. Your beautiful blue dress is lined with patterns of graceful butterflies.

You walk into the grand ballroom and all eyes are on you.

You look over the balcony to see the sea of petticoats and wigs.

You smile and gracefully lift your skirts to reveal your elegant heels, that are painfully digging into your feet.

You slowly descend down the most grandest royal staircase.

Once you are at the bottom of the stairs, you cross a leg behind the other and bend for a gracefully slow, grand curtsy.

You feel a light tap on your shoulder. You turn to see the most handsome man you have ever laid eyes on.

His shiny blond hair swiftly swept to the side of his fave, showing off his soft, but shape hairline.

He smiles at you and offers his hand which you ever so gracefully place your own on.

He bends down and places a gentle kiss at your knuckles.

" Steve Rogers" he says.

You recognize the name as the one and only Captain America. You almost didn't recognize him in a suit instead of his armour.

You smile at him. " Thank you for all your service"

" If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it"

Charming, you think. A soldier knows how to flirt.

Who would have thought.

( hmmmm who would have thought? Because the author TOTALLY didn't make a reference that all her readers are going to recognize and be like " seriously -_-" )

" Y/N L/N, It's pleasure to meet your acquaintance"

" Please, the pleasure is all mine" He says back.

" I'm sure it is" You smirk.

( my pOtAtOs playing hard to get I see. Y'all are sneaky little flirtatious children)

He chuckles lightly.

" May I have the honour of a dance?" He smiles at you, making you fall helplessly for him.

You smile back, linking your arm in his as he leads you to the dance floor.

You guys are in the centre of the dance floor, your dress obviously the poofiest and grandest out of everybody else's.

He wrapped his arm around your waist and you lightly gasped. You have danced a lot of dances and were used to this, but this time it felt different.

His grasp was not a boy playing soldier, this was a soldier.

Firm and protective. But gentle and caring.

" They're all looking at you" You day, finding your elegant and airy voice.

" Believe me." He says back, his voice is not super deep, but masculine and also elegant at the same time. " They're all looking at you"

You guys never take your eyes off each other the whole dance, the way he looked at you made your stomach churn with more butterflies then what was displayed on the shoulders of your dress.

As the music ends you take your low, elegant curtsy.

You arrange your spine to it's full height as the captain takes your hand.

" Come with me" He whispers, smiling.

As the next dance begin and the ballroom floors gets crowded with people he drags you outside.

You keep walking until he stops infront of a cold black metal bar gate. Green vines swaying down from it.

Steve opens the gate, it making a slight creek at the hinges.

You and him step inside and there is a tree, beautiful pink flowers surrounding just the roots of it. A wooden swing hanging from one of the big branches the tree grew.

The sight was breathtaking.

You are still admiring the sight you don't even notice Cap walking you over towards the swing.

" May I?" He asks.

You nod and gracefully place yourself onto the swing.

He starts to lightly push you, your big blue skirt dragging along the green grass.

You look up and see the bright silver stars, just like the specks of sparkles that danced in your hair.

It also reminded you of another silver star...

" May I ask cap, What ever happened to that shield of yours?"

He halts you to a light stop and walks to the front of you.

He bends down so that your faces are inches apart. His comforting blue eyes piercing right through you.

" this one?" He says smiling. You look down to where his gaze has shifted and there enough, he is holding his shield.

" It's beautiful" You gasp, lightly dragging some of your elegant fingers along its cool metal.

It truly was a magical night.

Hello hello hello

That Beauty and the beast music is just amazing for this chapter.

Yes, I did take inspiration for the dance part from Cinderella but it's only inspired.

I didn't copy completely because this is Marvel and because we needa he original here.

I'm so in love with ( I've said this before) but elegant balls in the 1700s
But bruh they wore dresses EVERYDAY.

I feel like I'm really good at detailing these type of chapters and making it elegant in a way.

Ok I should ACTUALLY work on requests instead now lmao.

-Nat 💕

" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?"

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