We won Mr.Stark

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It's been months since Peters disappearance, the first month the Avengers missed him dearly.

But then, their memory's of peter were wiped.

But then a elevated dinged and peter stepped out of it.

Suddenly all the memories came back, the good ones and the bad ones, they all rushed towards him.

" peter are you ok?" Nat asked him.

" I'm ok," then he looked to Tony. " We won Mr.Stark,

We won"


Ayeeeeeeeee!! SPIDEY IS BACK!!!
Our little cinnamon roll is back from Sony!!

He gets to fulfill his role as the new Ironman! Yaaaaasss!

I'm so happy so that's what this story was about.

Him being taken by Sony and the Avengers memories of him being taken.

I'm just so happy! YAAAAAAY!

They finally got over their greedy ness and made a deal!

Like when they broke up I was like come one get over yourselves this is about what the fans want, after all we are he people that give you your money.

HES BACK! I'm just literally so happy rn!

That's all for now potatos!



" WhAt dEm FrIeD pOtAtOs?"

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