Snap... (pt 4)

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Tony's sad face turned into shock and major confusion. Steve somehow noticed the change in Tony's face. " tony, are you ok?"

Tony just shook his head it's just me, I'm shaking that's probably it.

" y-yeah I'm fine" Tony was about to stand up when he felt it again, another thud.

Stop tony, your shaking it's nothing.

But he stopped shaking a while ago.

He felt another one


We're was this coming from?

Tony removed his hand, he didn't feel anything, but when he put his hand back on Peters neck he felt it again.


It sorta felt like a....... a pulse?

Tony face grew in even more confusion and shock.

" Tony....."

" TONY!"

Tony shot up from his bed suddenly Adrenalin rushing through his veins. He was freaking out.

" Tony calm down" Pepper said coming to his side.

" Wh- what happened?" Tony asked.

" you passed out, might have been from the shock of seeing peter." Pepper said running a hand through her husbands hair.

" how long?" Tony asked looking up at pepper

"  two minutes, you should get more rest. And I think it would be better if you didn't see peter anymore." Pepper hesitantly stated.

She knew the death really shocked tony, and that he couldn't see peter like that.

Peter, peter.....

Tony couldn't seem to get the kid out of his mind. He never wanted to forget peter if course  but right now, when he thought about the kid all that came to his mind were his frail last whispers, his screams and his lifeless limp scratched up body. But also.....

The thud! Tony got up almost immediately and started rushing to the living room. " Tony, don't look at it!" Pepper called out.

But it was to late, Tony was already in the living room starring at the lifeless bloody boy on the couch. Tony felt his knees about to give out but he stood strong.

Tony kneeled in front of the boy, hand hovering over his neck trying to remember the correct placement he had it last.

Tony placed down his hand and waited s few seconds.


There it was!


There it was again! It was slow and weak but Tony believed it to be a pulse.

" get Bruce in here NOW" Tony demanded eyes not leaving the boy

" Tony...." Steve said with sympathy.

" NOW!" Tony insisted

Steve sighed as he went to go find banner knowing there was no use fighting Tony.

Banner entered the room followed by Steve.
" yes tony?" Bruce asked.

" tell me if you feel s pulse or not" Tony demanded.

Bruce sighed " Tony..." " Bruce!" Tony exclaimed. Bruce yet again let out another sigh and he slowly walked over to Tony.

" Tony your hallucinating... sometimes, when we don't want something to be true we start hallucinating and thinking what we want to think when it isn't necessarily true" Steve said politely but not to pushy to anger his friend.

Bruce went over to where Tony was sitting in front of peter. The boy still looked very lifeless and his chest was very still. Indicating he wasn't breathing.

Bruce placer his hand on the boys neck. His sympathetic face still stayed the same. He was going to removed his hand when all of a sudden.


Bruce's face turned to shock. He kept his hand there feeling Peters pulse. The other Avengers stood there in question.

" he had a pulse" Bruce stayed, getting shocked faced snd gasps from the Avengers, all except strange. He must have left after he talked to Tony. Pepper walked in at the right moment to hear Bruce say that.

" But its very slow, to slow. And very weak. There's nothing we can really do in his condition" Bruce said getting more sympathetic which each word he spoke.

But then Bruce realized that some of PETERS burns have cleared up and slowly the big one down his arm was disappearing.

And his pulse started getting faster.
Slowly he opened his eyes.

" M-Mr.Stark?" Peter said sleepily as if he just woke up from a nap.

" peter?" Tony asked super confused. " ......yes?" Was Peters reply before he got drowned in a hug.

Peter was shocked but quick to hug back.
" Missed you pete" Tony whispered.

Soon peter was engulfed in hugs with all the Avengers.

" How are you.... I don't know.... alive?" Steve stuttered.

" uhmmmmm.... I'm not sure?"

The Avengers didn't complain after all, they had their baby spider back.

But when he did come back to life they found this mysterious green magic stuff on him.

Strange: 😉

Hope you enjoyed part three!


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