Im alirght/ it appears so

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Peter wasn't happy.

He was depressed.

He was neglected.

He was forgotten.

     By all.

The Avengers were always busy.

His aunt died.

When aunt may died it hit him hard.

It didn't help that the Avengers were busy.

He tried to keep a smile.

But there was nobody there to smile too. Nobody there to tell him everything's going to be alright.

Ned was always sick. Peter would msg him. But he wasn't really there.

Peter went to Aunt mays grave, alone. In the dark.

" Aunt May, I miss you. You always took care of me and I didn't tell you how much I loved you. You didn't deserve this. It should have been me. Nobody would notice that I would be gone anyway." Peter sobbed. " you were the mother I never had"

Peter finally had enough. He tried to cut himself. He healed to quickly.

He was going to shoot himself. But he has been shot to many times in battles and he healed to quickly as well.

He drank a glass of bleach. But then again he has drank poison many times. Like on missions when the Avengers didn't believe there was poison he would drink it and prove to them. He has a very strong stomach. So he wouldn't get hurt by it.

Finally, he got dressed as Spider-Man. He wrote letters.

To Nyc I'm sorry I won't be able to protect you anymore because of my selfish reasons. I had fun protecting you from danger. I was happy to see you guys safe. But I can't do this anymore. I've lost all will to live. Nobody to love, nobody their in general.
Peter Parker, your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.

Tony stark,
Hey me stark. I wish I could say bye to you in person but your to busy with meetings and I know I'm just a distraction to you. You don't have to pretend to care for me anymore. I won't be in your way anymore. I'm sorry for everything I did and annoying you.

Auntie nat, uncle Clint, uncle Bruce, Wanda, uncle Thor, uncle Loki, uncle Steve, I'm sorry. For everything. For even calling you my uncles and aunties when I know your probably didn't even like it. Well you don't have to pretend anymore. Im sorry for being annoying and just in your way.Well you won't have to worry about me being your way anymore, who am I kidding you never worried about me, I'm sorry.
Peter Parker.

And with that peter went to the top of stark towers. Dressed as Spider-Man. He took all the web fluid out from his web shooters so he couldn't catch himself.

While the Avengers were watching tv. " fuck this is high" peter whispered to himself. Looking down from stark towers. Peter stepped back. Maybe I shouldn't do this. He thought. " no I have to do this nobody cares what will be the point of not doing this?" He asked him self. He stood at the edge. He did it, he jumped.

While the Avengers were watching tv they saw peter falling through the window." was that peter?" Natasha asked. " I don't know I think it was." Tony said. " somebody catch him" Clint said resting his head down on the couch careless. " tony you can fly catch him" Natasha said changing the channel on the tv. " why me?" Tony whined. " your the only one who can fly." Natasha said plainly also not caring.
" ughh fine"tony said getting up.


They ain't like that. As soon as they saw peter falling.they all questioned and stood up immediately. Tony stood up and jumped out the window. his suit catching him.He came and caught peter. Peter was so close to hitting the ground. Tony caught him just in time. He brought him back to the ground still holding peter in his arms. The avengers all busted out of the doors and saw tony holding peter.

Tony had tears in his eyes. For the first time ever. Tony was crying. All the Avengers knelt down beside him looking at the kid. Their eyes prickled with tears as well. Tony carried him inside. He rushed to the medical room. " he doesn't have a pulse!" Tony shouted.
They got to the medical room tony lay peter in the medical bed. Bruce checked him over.

Bruce shook his head looking down. All the Avengers walked over to Peters bed slowly now with tears on their face.

They heard beeping from a machine. " HES GETTING A PULSE!" Bruce yelled. The boy slowly opened his eyes. " peter?" Tony whispered. Peter looked at him. " I... I had... to" peter said slowly. " HES LOOSING IT!" Bruce shouted. " kid no, stay!" Tony gripping Peters hand. " it's ok Mr.Stark, there's nothing left for me here." Peter said, his voice weak. " kid no!" Peter just shook his head closing his eyes slowly. " KID!" Tony yelled. Peters hand dropped from Tony's grip lifeless. Tony fell to his knees. Sobbing. If a kid could make all the Avengers cry, he was something special. He IS something special. And he was gone. Especially if this kid could make tony sob.

All the Avengers were in a circle around Peters bed. They all knelt down on one knee with their heads down, one by one. Paying respect for all that peter did for them. They stayed there for a good few. Sad minutes. Until they finally stood up smiling at the kid, the lifeless,pale kid who laid in the bed.

Tony kissed Peters forehead. All the Avengers said there last goodbyes to Peter. That was it. The last they would see their smiling boy.

They all went on the couch and sat there not a word was said. Tony, tony didn't join them. He went into the boys room. He read the letters peter has left on his desk.

It caused him to sob more. He left the room holding the papers in his hand. They all read the letters. They couldn't tell peter how much they actually loved him. They didn't think he was annoying. He was their light. Kept them smiling. They regretted not talking to him. They realized it now. Who could be to busy for peter?

A few years passed and tony had another kid. A daughter, tony told her she had a brother. A amazing brother. That she would have loved. " when will I get to meet him?" Tony's daughter asked. It broke Tony's heart. " right now" tony said smiling.

Tony and the rest of the Avengers visited Peters grave. They felt guilt for not spending enough time with peter.tony felt the most guilt. And now he was gone. And his sister would never be able to meet him.

The Avengers rushed into Peters school crying. " PETER!!! PETER??" Tony went into a classroom. The kids gasped at the sight of Tony Stark. Then the avengers appeared behind him. They smiled. They rushed over to a kids desk. The kid had brown curly hair. He was confused on why they were their in the middle of class. " what are you guys doing here? Friday?"
Friday: yes mini boss?
" did they read another fan fiction?"
Friday: it appears so, one where you died.
Peter smiled. " you guys really gotta stop reading those." Peter giggled. Peter hugged his big dysfunctional family. " I'm alright" peter whispered. " I'm alright"

Hey guys! I know not very many people read this and I'm loosing readers. I hope this will earn me some readers.this actually made me cry. But I made it a happy ending 😊 im very emotional when I read these types of stories and I was kinda avoiding writing one until I got this idea. I don't upload much because I really don't have any ideas. But go check out my " a new kid" book I'm really proud of it. And see you guys in the next chapter! Byeeeeeeee!

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