Switch pt.2

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Ima be completely honest, I forgot the first switch chapter was discontinued and I still needa fill the request of angie36912 i tagged her in the other one but her idea didn't happen in that one. Also spideylove4545 S request. And these requests were back in November but then I somehow took this long long break from wattpad and I'm very sorry

By the way, this story takes place before endgame or IW was released in " our world"

" Uhm, Tony-" Peter ( Tom) started but was cut off by Tony. " nu-uh. Tony was a long time ago I don't need you going back to that 'formal'ness again" Tony cut him off. " H-how is Tony formal though? If anything I should be calling you Mr.Star-" " Nope"

" uhhhhhh" Tom was stick. He wasn't Peter. Well he was but didn't know what Peter actually thought. And clearly their world here is very different then what the movies have already made them go through.

Like yeah, probably they did battle all those super villains that they battled in " regular earth" but Peter was never at the tower nor ever called him anything other then Mr.Stark.

Then he thought of all the wattpad ( Fourth wall break) fan fictions. If this was not it then it would be really awkward moment. But it was worth a try.

" Dad..." " Yes son?" Phew. Felt like a elephant was just lifted off his shoulders or something. " I'm hungry" " How hungry? Starving or hungry?"
" Starving" " Well we better get you something eat then" Tony said. " Can't make that enhanced metabolism wait" He said walking towards the kitchen.

Wait, if he was Peter and had enhanced metabolism..... Tom jumped up and somehow belly flopped nun into the ceiling and fell back onto the floor. " oof"

Tony turned around. " Peter, what the heck happened?" He asked confused. " I..uh.... MY SHIRT FELL" he blurted out. " Your shirt..? One a shirt is not that heavy. Two your not holding a shirt. Your wearing it"

" Exactly. I-I was in.. the shirt" He said and got up really quickly. " Are you ok?" Tony asked.

" Yeah, I'm fine" Tom said. But as soon as Tony turned around Tom weirdly tried again. And..

He stuck to the ceiling. Well this time he didn't belly flop up to the ceiling he jumped and stuck his hands so that he stuck. It felt like he was on set again. Except without all the strings and stuff.

" This is so cool" He whispered and continued to follow Tony down the hall while crawling on the ceiling. 

( OOF I'm tired but I needa get this done and it's 2:00 am)

Tony made Tom a sandwich and nothing seemed different to Tony. Peter climbing all over the ceiling, eating and Tony drinking his coffee.

It was actually really nice talking to Tony. He was just like how RDJ played him lol. But he cared for Peter very much and he actually showed it. Something that never happened in the movies.

Suddenly some weird yellow stud appeared on the ceiling. Magic. It looked like a doctor strange portal.

And weirdly a huge crowd came out of it. " OH MY GOSH ITS RDJ AND TOM HOLLAND" " uhhh... what is happening? How and why are you in my tower? And who's RDJ and Hom Toddle land?" Tony asked.

Tom mentally face palmed at the mispronunciation of his name, Welp, that's Tony for ya. " Is it true you read marvel fan fictions, Mr, Downey?" One person asked shoving a microphone in his face.

" Is Nat really gonna die at the edge of vormir?!"
"What the fu-" Tony was gonna ask when the elevator dinged and the Avengers came.

( full costume ofc lol. Probably coming back from a mission) " Hey my baby spider" Nat said and hugged Peter. Wanda ruffled his hair and the Avengers did their separate greetings to him. Then they saw the big crowd of people.

" Tony, what's going on?" Steve asked. " No idea" Tony replied. " Steve, is it true you always say 'language' when someone swears!" One of the reporters asked.  " How would they even know that!" Steve whispered to Bruce beside him. " No idea" Bruce whispered back.

" That's freaky"

Yeah Uhmm

And then Tom went back to our world and Peter got transferred back into the Avengers world the end. Sorry this was rlly hard to write and I'm to lazy to finish it.

Also, I was on Pinterest and about a hour ago I started a Marvel board and it already has 42 pins. I mean, that's not a lot but at the same time it is so like I will share one at the end of every story

So here Ye go

( also a lot of them are about Tom Holland too btw)

( also a lot of them are about Tom Holland too btw)

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So ya that's all I have to say today

I have another one shot idea ima do so ye. Ima do dat.

Bai my lovely potato's!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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