raised in Hydra ( part three)

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Let's pretend civil war didn't happen.

Tony had told the Avengers that he had met a kid about a month ago.

" A kid huh?" Natasha raised a eyebrow.
" Tony's into kids now is he?" Clint chuckled.

" Hes not a regular kid, he's sixteen. And he's super smart." Tony explained.

" how did you meet him?" Steeb asked.

" well...heh.. that's another part like I said, he's not a regular teen. He's Spider-Man"

Tony had told the Avengers all about the kid. They seemed to like the kid from what Tony was telling them. " what's his name?" Wanda finally asked.

" peter." Tony said.

Ugh Bucky hated hearing that name. Bucky was having flashbacks of the guards from Hydra saying that name and coming into the cell and grabbing peter. Peter would scream and kick, he was a pretty strong kid. But the Hydra agents would gang up in him.

And Bucky would hate seeing the kid torchered. Right infront of his face.

" Bucky!" Steve snapped Bucky our of his thoughts. " you ok?" He asked. " uhh y-yeah I'm fine. I'm going to go to bed now." Bucky said getting up from his seat and heading to his room.

Bucky sat on his bed, thinking about peter. He had given up his search for him long ago, but that didn't mean he didn't think about the kid.

He wondered if they had killed him. He heard knocks on his door. The Avengers came in and asked him if he was ok and what has happened.

Bucky told them the story of a little four year old named peter, raised in Hydra.

Once Bucky had finished the story the Avengers has sad looks on there faces.

" But that was years ago, I don't know what happened to him now" Bucky said in the silence.

Steve put a hand on Bucky's shoulder, " it's ok Bucky," Steve said.

A few days later, Bucky decided to try to look for peter. Was he dead? Did they kill him? What happened? Bucky needed answers.

Bucky has somehow found out that the Hydra bass that he and peter were in has had a massive escape, everyone escaped.

That meant peter must have escaped, unless they killed him by then.

But that was six years ago.

Bucky gave up again, he just had to accept that he would never see peter again.

Tony announced to the team that tomorrow he was going to bring HIS peter to the tower for them to meet. Bucky winced at the name.

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