Ey ey ey

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I know the last thing I posted was a authors note, I'm sorry. It's taking me so long to get the Shuri and Peter chapter out.

Ngl since it's hard for me to write and I already have a lot so I might as well just add a ending and call it a day.

( edit: Nope,I finished it how I was planning on and y'all are gonna hate me

But it is done and it will be posted two seconds after this)

It's night rn and I am not functioning so when I wake up tmrw I will do some writing.

Since my dad is not working from home tmrw I get to use the computerrrr!

I like using computers or laptops to write, idk y. I've been writing on my phone since I got wattpad.

( ofc I'm using my phone rn because it's like five am)

So I'll probably do that, and then check my ideas and start writing another chapter and continue ANOTHER one I have as a draft in my Hamilton oneshot.

Idk why I'm up still, mEh it's okay. Fricken fanfics are addicting.

A lot of people are starting school tmrw and I'm like, HAHHH I don't have school yet!

Which leads to me thinking it's okay to be up this late!

Anyway it's my birthday soon 😀

Which means I'll be fourteen. Woop.

Update years later. I was a crazy kid

Which also means it's been exactly a year since I dyed my hair. Because on my birthday last year I died my hair. Lol.

I'm pretty sure I showed pictures in here somewhere.

Anyway, I keep getting off track 🤪

So since it was my birthday my grandma's

( I have two grandmas...

When I've mentioned that before someone asked if my grandmas were lesbian and I just found that so funny. We Stan.

I have two- No THREE grandmas. My grandma on my moms side and then my grandma on my dads side and then my great grandma. ( who is on my moms side)

So me, my two grandmas and my mom are going to get our nails done.

( it was my grandmas idea. lol. I haven't gotten my nails done since I was like six)

I saw this design on Pinterest and I really wanna get it on my nails so I will see if they can do it for me XD.

My dads and my birthday are pretty close together

And he's like " WhY aRe yOu cElEbRaTiNg yOuR bIrThDaY bEfOrE mInE?"


Your too old now DAD.

Anthony Ramos as John Laurens is just 🥰

But also I mostly read John Lauren's fics because I like story lines of the x reader fics better, and it's cool to imagine myself in the story. Leaves room for imagination and shît)

Also, I finished my Alex and Eliza book. ITS SOO GOOD!!


And it makes people think your smart because your reading, lmao.
I finished that book a while ago.
And now I'm more then halfway done the Hamilton and Peggy book, it's amazing.

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