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Hey guys! Author here! I should stop calling myself author, it's weird.

Anyway, just wanted to update you guys. I've been posting a bit more on this story.

I haven't in a while though. Sorry I get lazy and busy.

Not looking forward to the first day of high school in three days ughhhsnoabshsjsj.

anyway, I'm coming out with a book called replaced that's taking me a while to write. It's not the best thing ever but it's better then the other books I have published and I'm pretty proud of it. I haven't quite finished it yet.

But it's about peter getting replaced, what happens when hydra finds out about what's happening at the tower?

Also, go check out my book ' a new kid' it's about Aunt May dyeing and tony taking him in. And about tony being a dad.

Let me know if I should do a face reveal.

I know I only have very few people who read my stories but I just wanted to also say thank you for reading my stories and keeping me going in hope if more people will read and enjoy them!

Byeeeeeee ❤️


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