Raised in Hydra

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Bucky was in Hydra. He has been there as long as he could remember. Well, mostly because they would always wipe out his memory every time he remembered even the slightest thing from his old life.

They locked Bucky in a cell. He wasn't the only one in the cell. There was a little boy, probably about the age of four. Cowering in the corner.

He was all bruised and scraped up. Bucky slowly walked over to the boy and put a hand on his shoulder. Bucky wasn't the nicest looking person, stern expression, a metal arm.

Bucky knelt down infront of the kid,his face softened.

" hey kid, what's your name?" Bucky asked softly.

" p-peter" the boy stumbled. "P-please d-don't hurt me"

That broke Bucky's heart. How much did the put this kid through? He looked pretty beaten up.

" it's ok, peter. I'm not going to hurt you" Bucky said.

Bucky scooped peter up and carried him over to the bed in the cell. They started talking. The kid is so sweet.

Bucky swore to himself to peter direct this kid with his life.

Two years later Bucky was sent on a mission. To kill someone. By the name of Natasha Romanoff and a guy they wouldn't tell Bucky the name of.

Bucky didn't know what he was doing. His memory's were wiped. It was like he was a zombie, for hydra.

But what he would always go back to always remember was peter.

Bucky was about to let out of the cell to complete the mission. When arms surrounded him in a hug.

Bucky smiled. " I'll be back,kid"
" I know" the six year old said looking up to him, his big brown doe eyes.

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