Meeting gone wrong

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Today Tony was meeting with the ex- Avengers.

Tony was pacing back and fourth nervously. While Rhodey was just watching him, amused that a freaking billionaire who saves people's life's from big aliens and all that crap, can get so worked up about a meeting.When he runs a company and goes to many meetings. ( he skips a lot)

" Stop getting so worked up, you'll be fine Tones" " I know I know it's just-" " What?" Rhodey calmly cut Tony off.

Tony sighed. " I don't know" " Peters at school so that's something less to worry about" Rhodey said.

" I know, because if it was a weekend there is no way I would be able to get him to not come and pay them a visit if anything happened." Tony sighed but fondly smiled.

The elevated dinged And standing there were the one and only


" Stark" Steve slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

" Rogers" Tony's face was emotionless. But inside he was slightly freaking out, after all this is the guy that he was teammates with but left him in the middle of nowhere to die.

After getting used to each other's presence a bit more the Avengers talked about like and whatever. But Tony was still careful, he wasn't completely fond of them now.

When a window shattered. The Avengers thought Tony would be angry, but he quickly got up and ran to the window.

A figure came in through the window, they all recognized the figure as Spider-Man.

Tony ran up to spider man just as he collapsed onto Tony's shoulder. Blood was dripping from Spider-Man's abdomen onto the floor.

Tony rushingly called for Bruce as he ran down the hall to med bay.

A few minutes later Tony came back.
" What was that Tony?" Steve asked.

Tony didn't know how to reply. It was a complicated relationship. Basically Peter was a fake intern, but Tony saw him as so much more then that, a son.

" uhhhhhh, spiderman?" Tony said in more of a question.

" DAAAAAAAAAAAD!!" They heard a loud but young voice say from down the hallway. At that Tony looked fond but red at the Avengers hearing that.

The Avengers just gave him questioning looks. But Tony waved them off.

" Welp, gotta go" He said before sprinting down the hallway.

" WHAT THE FU- Roll credits!!

Hi potatos!

Sorry I haven't posted, go check out my replaced story!!

Ik I promised to do a face reveal by the end of last week....


I've just been super busy and stressed out.

I will try to post more and idk y it took me so long to get this short chapter finished.

Sorry it was short.

Baiiii potatos!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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