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Tony and Rhodey pulled up to the front of the school. " Tony, Why are we here?" Rhodey asked. " I'm picking up My-uh the kid"

" What kid?" Rhodey asked. Just then a curly brown haired kid about the age of sixteen came into the car.

" Hi Mr.Stark!!" Peter exclaimed. " Hey,Pete" Tony smiled. " This is Rhodey" Tony said gesturing to Rhodey.

" Hi there! I'm Peter"Peter said reaching forward to shake hands with Rhodey. They shook hands and Tony drove off.

" So, did you eat your lunch?" Tony asked. Peter rolled his eyes. " Yes, I did. I don't know why your making such a big deal out of it"

" You know you have to eat more because of your metabolism." Tony said glancing into the rear view mirror. " I know, I know."

" Is that Flash guy still bothering you?" Tony asked. " No, it's not like it's physical or anything."

Peter went into his usual ramble about school saying how boring one subject was to another subject on how it was to eat or something.

Rhodey noticed how Tony kept glancing into the rear view mirror at Peter.

" This suits you Tony" Rhodey said, giving his friend a smile. " Huh?" Tony asked. " This parenting thing" Rhodey said. Earning a snort from Peter.

" Waiiii-waaaaa?" " Does Pepper know about this?" " WHAT PARENTING THING?!"

Rhodey just gave Tony a 'really' look. "Your acting like such a dad. And I swear you even called him your kid."

" sndknsks No I didn't!" Tony defended.
" Friday?"

" I can confirm that you did sir" Friday said. Earning another snort from Peter while doing his homework.

" When were you gonna tell me?" Rhodey asked this time more serious. " He's not my kid!"

" Uh huh, so how'd you guys meet?" Rhodey asked. " Unimportant" They both said at the same time.

" Unimportant there's a million things I haven't done do do do do do dooooo" Peter hummed quietly.

" Well I mean, it kinda is important to know how you met your kid" Rhodey raised a eyebrow.

" He's not My!! Aghhhhh" Tony exclaimed.
" Then what is he to you?" Rhodey crossed his arms and waited for a answer.

" UGHHHHH! Rhodey shut the front door you son of a BUISSNESS MAN. Before I slap your ASTRONAUT into HELICOPTER!!"

Rhodey and Peter just gave him the most questioning looks imaginable.

" There's children in the car!" Peter rolled his eyes. " I'm not a Child anymore" " Yes you are" Tony smirked.

Peter rolled his eyes for what had to be the fifth time this car ride.

As Tony parked the car in the garage Rhodey said " I swear, he's your kid Tones, maybe not biologically but he's your kid"

" No he's not!" Tony argued again. Peter rolled his eyes again as he got out of the car. " Ok, yeah well I'll be in the lab see ya dad" he said before closing the door.

Tony froze.

Rhodey just smirked.

Idk y this chapter took me so long to write maybe because two CERTAIN people were distracting me

Anyway yeee


It's literally four am and I'm staying up writing this


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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