The figure

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All the Avengers were at the tower relaxing,talking, and watching tv on the couch. But tony was pacing back and forth and back and forth. " He should be here by now!!" Tony said still pacing back and forth. " Friday were is he?" Tony said. " his location is unknown sir" Friday replied. " well find him! He's half a hour late! He's never this late." All the Avengers were wondering what was up with tony. " tony you good?" Natasha asked. " ya is something up?" Steve asked. Tony ignored the questions and kept pacing. " he has entered the building sir." Friday said. The elevator dinged and a shadow  was standing in the elevator. A word was not said until  the figure collapsed on the floor. Tony rushed towards the figure picking him up and calling for Bruce who was in the lab. Tony raced to the lab the figure still in Tony's arms. Natasha knew who tony was carrying and quickly got up and raced in the direction tony went. All the other Avengers were left there confused. Natasha raced to the lab to find tony sitting in a chair looking very concerned and dr.bruce banner inspecting the patient in the medical bed. " what happened?" Natasha asked as she slowly walked in the room and towards the patient. " I don't know but he is very injured and with a severe concussion. " peter wake up kid wake up " Natasha whispered to the patient still passed out in the bed.peter was in his Spider-Man suit but his mask off. There was blood on his face. " Bruce what happened!" Natasha demanded a answer. The other Avengers arrived at the doorway of the room wondering what was going on until they saw peter lying in the bed.
"Scan complete"a robot voice on Bruce's machine said. " a severe concussion a few broken ribs a dislocated shoulder and a broken foot." The robot continued. " holy shit how's this kid still breathing!" Clint said. " he's not" Bruce replied. " he barely is". Natasha wasn't happy about this. She was shooketh. So was tony. " what can we do about this?" Tony said.
" there has to be a way to fix it!" Natasha said firmly. " there has to be a lot of operation he has five broken ribs. That's will take a lot of operation time plus the broken foot. Then we can fix his dislocated shoulder.he also got shot"
" frick" Natasha said looked at  the kid shaking her head slightly " that's tough. How did he even manage to get to the tower without collapsing on the street?" " well he does have super strength a whole warehouse has dropped on him before." Tony said." Enough stalling how are we gonna fix this!!" Natasha demanded for a answer. The Avengers still starting. They were worried for peter to. Everyone loved peter. He was there light. " I'll have to start surgery right now " Bruce said. " you guys will have to wait outside" Bruce continued. The Avengers waited outside anxiously.

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