Its okay, Let me go

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That title gives me ptsd.

So this story will too.

I'm on a road trip writting this so.....
I don't wanna cry but like....idk.

Time to bring you guys back to IW and Endgame.

Better put trigger warnings


Includes mentions of the blip

Definite endgame ptsd

May or may not include death

Good luck!

Somethings happening...

There was no other way

Stay Quill

So here they were.

Peter, Nebula and Tony.

Stuck in the middle of space. With oxygen going out tomorrow.

There was only so much to do around the damn ship.

" Goodnight Mr.Stark! Goodnight Ms.Nebula!" Peter called as he went to his resting spot on the ship.

He knew they were going to die.


To his surprise Peter awoke to the ship landing.

" Pete..." Tony whispered shaking the boy lightly.

" We're here"

Peter and Tony were very weak and Peter was super dizzy, his heightened senses making it worse. Pepper did some research and found that the kids aunt had blipped. She decided not to tell him right away as he was still recovering.

He didn't take it lightly when he was told.

But luckily Pepper and Tony were there for him.

~~ Five years later~~

It hasn't been the same since everyone blipped. My last blood relative was gone, my best friend Ned. And everything just felt so different. A lot of people have gone into depression.

Peter has lost a lot of people in his life, the blip just brought more loss to him.

They were getting the team back together.

He had helped convince some people to come back.

" We've only got one shot"

" I am not throwing away my shot!"

Peter's outburst confused the team. His face flushed red. " Sorry... continue cap" he smiled.

The captain sighed but continued.

" Tony, me, Bruce and Scott are going to New York.

Thor and Rocket going to Asgard

Peter and Nat are going to Vormir.

Nebula Rhodey and Clint going with them but separating after to find Quill.

(Sorry if I missed out on anyone or any teams. Idk y I can't seem to remeber)

" Nat, nothing bad better happen to Peter" Tony warned. Nat just smiled and ruffled Peters hair. " I won't let it"

" Don't worry Mr.Stark. I'll be fine" Peter cheerily said.

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