Bug spray

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Peter was in the most boring class ever. It was all to easy, he already knew it al. And it was just straight up boring.

So he was texting his family on their group chat.

After that it was lunch, so he went on patrol.


Peter: Frikity Frak, I just got stabbed.

Peter: that's great.

Peter: oh well

Peter: sHiT imA bE lAtE FoR cLaSs


Nat: Yup

Clint: How are you still thinking about school when your fucking stabbed?!

Steve: Language

Tony: not the time Steve.

Nat: you get back here to the tower right now.

Peter: it's fine

Peter: I have to put away my phone my English teacher hates when we have our phones.

Peter: bai fam bam

Tony: pEtEr yOu gEt bAcK hErE RiGhT nOw!!

Peter: to late!


Peter hid his stab beneath his hoodie.

It didn't hurt anymore. But soon blood started to leak a bit onto his hoodie.

After the first twenty minutes of class the Avengers bust through the door.

" Peter we will spray you if you don't let us fix that wound right NOW!!" Tony yelled.

Peter sighed " ok ok"

Natasha moves the bug spray closer to it pointing it at him. Peter raised his hands immediately in defeat.

He followed his family out of the classroom.

Once they got back to the tower and fixed up Peters wound peter sighed.

" I can't believe you guys threatened to spray me with bug spray if I didn't come with you"

Ok Ye so I don't even know what that was Uhmmmm


Baii potatos!!

Kartopfencopf out!!!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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