Snap... ( pt 2)

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My spider eyed went a dark blood red, threatening to the bad guys to back off, guess they're that stupid that they still came after me and I killed them immediately with my mechanical arms.

Then even more of them came, more then I could handle. What if, there was a way to make them all just disappear? Like I did.

I looked down at my arms and the gauntlet in my hands. I thought about doing it, about slipping it on and making them all disappear. Then this all would be over, but I knew it would kill me.

I almost didn't realize that I was shouting for help, I heard captain America's voice I saw the hammer flying towards me, I webbed the hammer flying with it.

It started raining fire from Thanos's ship, cutting the web between me and the hammer. As I was falling to my death pepper caught me and yeeted me onto a magical white Pegasus, with a rider who expertly dodged the beams.

Captain marvel then came flying in and wrecking Thanos's ship with ease. I wanted to laugh so hard at Thanos's face, it was halarious. but I kept it in as best I could.

I knew it wasn't the time, and I probably would just embarrass myself in all of the Avengers to EVER exist.

Plus, Thanos would probably just send more bad guys after me, not fun.

Captain marvel landed in front of me. " H-hey I'm peter Parker"

" hey peter Parker" she smirked. " got something for me?" I stood up and gave her the gauntlet looking at the bad guys coming towards us.

" don't know how your going to get through all that" I mumbled.

Suddenly all the girls appeared in front of in a protective way.

Gosh, I am I really that cute? 😏

Gamora, pepper, wanda, Valkyrie, wasp,shuri.

But where was black widow? Maybe she was busy, she is a badass assassin after all, probably beating the crap out of some bad guys.

After that, I found myself fighting Thanos, he was scarily close to getting the stones but captain marvel kept trying to distract him.

But she was soon yeeted away by the power stone when Thanos got ahold of the gauntlet.

I saw doctor strange look at me, before looking to Tony and pointing a shakily finger.


I knew what that meant, one out of fourteen million. Tony's face was shocked, he was scared and nervous. But also, determined looking.

I then realized what was going through his mind, basically commit suicide.

Mr.Stark went up to thanos and latched onto the gauntlet, the stones started coming out of place. Tony was looking up to Thanos, still processing what he was going to do next.

But I couldn't let him do that, I couldn't loose him. Without thinking I pounced and did a aerial over them. While in mid air I grabbed the stones it happened so fast that they barely saw me.

Tony was pushed back by Thanos. " I am.... inevitable"


I smirked he thinks he has the stones, how cute.

Tony then looked at his hand as he was expecting pain from it, but then he quickly looked over at me.

Lights went up my arm and I looked up in pain, and shock. It felt like I had so much power.

" kid, don't do this. Don't leave me again. Please don't do this" he begged.

I was still processing if I was actually going to go through with this. Was I?

I looked over at Doctor strange, he just nodded at me.

I was scared, but I knew I had to do it. Like my destiny or something.

I just gave tony a sympathizer smile, " I'm sorry tony" was all I managed to say.

I looked at the big purple grape in front of me. I gave him a cold glare in my eyes.

" well guess what dipshit?! I.... am...


I said in between breathes

I snapped my finger and a bright white light surrounded the battlefield. Making my sight hurt intensely.

I saw aliens disappearing, like I did. I was even more happy when I saw Thanks disappear. It was all over. Finally.

I fell back like a flattened pancake and just lay on the floor unable to move. I couldn't even move my face.

Tony cane running over. " kid!" He shouted.

" oh my gosh, kid" he said as he sat beside me and he put my head in his lap.

" Pete, why? Why did you do that?" He asked.

" I- I couldn't loose you."

At this, all the Avengers were gathering around.

They smiled at me, tears in there eyes. They didn't expect me to be this young.

Pepper landed across from tony. She put her hand through my hair, " hey kid" she whispered.

I have never really met pepper yet, I was supposed to when Mr.Stark recruited me as a Avengers and live at the compound.

I was on the verge is passing out. my eye lids felt so droopy and I felt so helpless, so tired.
I could barely breathe, my airway felt so tiny and barely got oxygen into my lungs.Every breathe that I managed to do hurt. Every second hurt and I couldn't do anything to move.

I looked up into Tony's eyes. " kid, we're going to get help we can help you." Panic started to creep up in his voice.

I shook my head, knowing there was no way to help me.

" your going to be ok, Pete. I can't loose you. Not again" tony whispered, Tears filling in his eyes.

I guess I really did die on titan.

" I love you dad" I managed to get out, it was so quiet so faint.

He looked kind of shocked but gave me and warm smile.

" I-I love you to son" a few tears down his face.

And I took my last breathe. And let the darkness take over.

Tony just sat there, with Peters head in his lap. Tears streaming down his face.

The Avengers came closer. Mostly Rhodey, Steve, Wanda.

Steve put his hand on my shoulder. So did Rhodey.

Wanda crouched infront of the boy. She smiled at him.

Something about him reminded her of her brother. His selflessness, his kindness. His smile.

Today, they lost their two beloved spiders. They just sat there, mourning the loss of the little boy, who saved their life's.

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