Who are you talking to?

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" Ok so, Fury wants us to-"

Steve was cut off by Tony's phone ringing.

" Tony-" Steve was cut off yet again by Tony putting up a finger and looking at the caller ID.
Tony's face instantly lit up a little.

He answered the face time and got up from the couch and walked away a bit.

" Hello?"

" Hi Mr.Stark! Sorry I'm late." Peter began to blab about his day as usual.

" Pete, you better be on the way, while your blabbing to me" Tony said teasingly.

" Yes I am, I just didn't feel like swinging today so I'm walking"

" Ok"

Peter then continued his usual blabbering and Tony listened, totally forgetting about the meeting.

Somehow, the topic of toilets came up, and Tony remembered earlier one of the Avengers clogged one of the toilets.

" And the toilet was clogged so we asked if they could-"

Tony was cut off.

" Tony who are you talking to?"

Somehow Tony's voice had gotten louder during the conversation that the Avengers heard him talking about toilets.

Tony and peter both froze,

" I know that voice....... OMG IS STEVE THERE?!?! HII!" Peter suddenly turned into a fan girl.

Peter was usually never a fan girl.

The Avengers heard Peters loud booming voice. They were so confused.

"Uh. Hi?"

Suddenly the call ended and the elevated opened.

" Hi Mr.Stark" Peter said waving at the billionaire.

Tony smiled and made his way over the Peter.
" How was school today Underoos?" Tony asked ruffling the kids hair.
" It was ok" peter shrugged. The Avengers were just starting at the interaction between the two.

Peter finally noticed them and said something.
" Oh, hi. I'm Peter!" He waved.

" Humble kid" Steve nodded.

" Usually kids would be swarming over us" Clint laughed. Tony and Peter just smiled at each other, Mischievous smirks hidden.

After civil war, Steve apologized for almost killing him, Though peter was still a little mad about that he put it behind him. And tony and Steve made up.

" How do you two know each other?" Wanda asked.

" He's my personal inter-"

" Spider-Man" Nat interrupted him. Peters face went pale. Tony raised s questioning eyebrow at her.

" Oh come on, you think I wouldn't get it? Underoos? And really? you doing interns? Nah" Nat casually explained.

" Heh, hi?"

" You took a fifteen year old kid to a battle? And made him fight us?" Steve questioned.

" I'll have you know I was Spider-Man before I met Mr.Stark" Peter interrupted.

" And he didn't force me to"
Well, that kind of was a lie but peter was glad he went.

When the Avengers were going to start talking to each other again. The lights flickered.

And nobody could see a thing.

" Mr. Starkk" Peter yelped.

The lights turned back on and peter was gone

" Peter?!" Tony was now getting really worried.

" RAAAAAGH" A roar echoed in the room. Suddenly the lights turned off again and everyone was now stuck to a wall.

Suddenly Tony let out a groan, which confused the Avengers. " ugh, Come on. Peter let us down"

The lights flickered on and peter was sitting criss cross on the ceiling laughing his head off.

" How are you up there?" Bruce asked. " I'm sticky" peter replied after catching his breath.

" I thought your suit was just really high tech and made you do that" Bruce said questioningly.

" Oh no, that's all me" peter said hanging from a web upside down slowly lowering himself to the ground.

Suddenly a box of cereal was thrown cutting Peters web.

" ah" peter said before falling to the ground on his face.

" Mr.Starkkkkkkk" Peter whined.
" That's what you get for sticking me to a wall and almost giving me a heart attack" Tony reasoned.

" ok, well then have fun sticking to the wall for two hours" Peter said brushing himself off and walking towards the exit of the room. ( savage)

" Hey no! Your getting me outta this!" Tony wiggles around in the webs. " Nah" Peter waves off.

"What about us?" Steve asked. Peter turned around. " oh yeah sorry"

Peter unstuck everyone, Wanda undid herself with her magic.

"How come you unstick them and now me?" Tony asked. Peter just shrugged.

" Bcuz"

Ok so that was random.

I got a idea for the phone call from the picture and then it just went on to randomness after.

So ya, see you guys later!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd PoTaToS?" 🥔

P.S read my new book ' replaced' I worked really hard on it. Thanks!❤️

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