Tear drops

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" Hi mom, Hi dad

I miss you. I wish you guys didn't have to board that plane."


" Hi uncle Ben"

" Thanks for always being there for me, I'm sorry I couldn't save you all those years ago. I try to save more people these days, I know that's what you would have done. With what you said to me in mind

With great power comes great responsibility "

Peter fell to his knees sobbing remembering his uncles words.

Peter felt a hand on his shoulder he looked up and saw Tony smile down at him.

He smiled back as tony helped him up.

" remember Underoos, I'll always be here for you"


" Hi Mr.Stark"

" Hey kid"

" I missed you. Thanks for..... uh the gift.

Thanks for helping me become who I am today I never told you this but I always saw you as a father figure. Thank your for everything.

I love you dad"

Peter stood there as the cool wind blew past him. He stared down at the grave that read

Anthony Edward Stark

He giggled at how Tony always hated that name.

He thought of all the memories he and Tony had together.

" Peter! Peter!" The little five year old said running towards peter.

" Hi Morgan" peter said picking her up. Morgan wipes Peters tears with her thumb. " don't cry petey" her little squeaky voice said.

Peter smiled at her, then looked back to the grave.

" Ill see you soon Mr.Stark"

Peter walked off with the little five year old in his arms.

He swore to protect her, He knew Tony would have wanted them to get along. It was hard not to get along with Morgan.

" I love you big brother"

" I love you too"

Welp, sorry it was short. I'm writing this on the way to the graveyard.

 I'm writing this on the way to the graveyard

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Aren't they pretty?

There's that.

Have a lovely day potatos!❤️

Remember always be yourself and it's ok not to be ok.

And I'm always here.

Love you 3000


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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