The things

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" You sure you guys aren't a thing?" Clint asked. " Yes, we've only known each other for like a hour. Were just friends." Loki said. Wanda was out of the room at the moment.

" I'm pretty sure before we walked in I heard one of you drop the 'L' bomb" Tony said.
" Well, friends do often say ' I love you' to each other, it's a friend thing" Peter spoke up.

" I will never understand this generation" Tony said. " Neither will I. I gave up on that a long time ago" Steve spoke flopping on the couch.

" Wow you guys sound so old" Peter laughed.
" That's because we are" Tony sighed. " At least your not 95 and everybody looks at you and thinks your thirty" Steve said.

" BOI DO I LOOK 95?! I know I'm old but-" Tony was cut off by all the laughing of the Avengers. " Did Tony just use the word ' Boi'?" Wanda asked walking into the room. Tony sighed since he knew where this was going.

" Peter what did you teach him?" Wanda giggled. " Oh, everything" Peter smirked.
" Well, we'll just be on our way" Nat said pushing everyone out of the room. " Be gone Thots!" Tony shouted. Peter facepalmed.
" That's not how you use it Mr.Stark" he giggled.

Loki and Wanda just watched the group disappear. " What's with them?" Wanda asked. " Eh, nothing" Loki shrugged.

The two talked and laughed and played with their magic, when Wanda got a evil idea. She sent the message to Loki's brain, and her plan begain.

( ok I'm literally screaming into my imaginary pillow rn (imaginary because I'm in school) at what I'm about to write because I feel like it's gonna be cringy. And lemme know if you ship these two. I think I ship them as friends)

" Do you think we're alone now?" Wanda asked. " Yeah, we should be good" Loki replied. (Scream into imaginary pillow) " Well then" Wanda smirked walking towards Loki. Her head was now leaning on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. Their noses incredibly close.

Their faces slowly inches closer until there lips met for a two second peck. ( pillow Scream)
"I knew it" Clint said leaning back in his chair.
" Shhhh" The Avengers all shushed him.

Loki and Wanda just smirked at the camera in the room. Wanda rolled her eyes " Get in here Avengers, we gotta talk to you " Wanda said.

The Avengers all walked into the room only to be covered in pint paint, glitter and feathers.
" What THE-" " Language" Steve cut Tony off.

Al the Avengers practically eyerolled. But saw Loki and Wanda on the floor Wheezing. Followed by Peters laugh behind them. The Avengers turned to see Peter, totally unharmed laughing his as- ' Langauge author'- Steve. Fine steeb🙄

-Head off. " How come your not covered in glitter!" Clint asked, more like shouted. " I was protected" Peter smirked as he crossed his arms. " What do you mean?" Nat asked. It was funny to see Natasha in a colour other then black. Especially in bright, glittery pink.

" Wanda's magic" Peter replied casually as he made his way to Wanda. " That's not fair!" Tony argued. " He's my little Cinnabon, plus I usually do the pranks with him" Wanda said ruffling Peters hair.

" Anyway, we gotta talk about you and your boyfriend" Peter smirked, causing all the Avengers to look at the pair. " Oh that was just a distraction" Loki said.

" Yeah, clearly you two got distracted" Tony smirked. Steve elbowed him " Tony" he scolded. " OOF, WHAT!" Tony asked. " Ok That, was used properly" Peter and Wanda said. " Jynx" they both said again.

" Annnyywaayyy, back to the topic" Nat said.
" That was also a prank" Wanda said. " To get you guys down here" Loki finished. " Uh huh, sure" Peter crosses his arms. Wanda playfully slapped his arm.

" How did the glitter get there?" Nat asked, usually she'd know this. But this was the only exception. " I used my powers" Wanda said.
" But we didn't see you use your magic" Clint said.

" Two things, I can move things with my mind, aaannnddd that's why we needed a distraction" Wanda explained.

" We're just friends" Loki said.

" Lies" Peter rolled his eyes.

" This is my OTP ship"

Sorry I didn't post for Replaced I was busy with dance.

Anyway, who do you think said the last line?

And do u ship? Or just a friend ship?


Line of the day

( yes this is becoming a thing)

Finish this line

' We're reliable with the ladies! There's so many to....'


Hint: A. Ham ham

Dats all for now

Love you potatos 3000!

- Nat

" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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