Car crash

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This story idea is not mine, I do not remember the authors name but if you do pls tell me, Thanks.

" I'm so excited!!" Peter exclaimed. " I know Peter. Your going to do great" May giggled.
" Thanks May"

Today Peter was going to a dance competition. It's amazing to Tony and May how Peter can balance being Spiderman, getting good grades in school and dance.

Beeb beeb

Before you knew it Peter and May's car was hit on the passenger side by a semi truck and their car lay on its side.

Peter was completely unconscious since he was on the passenger side in the back and May was barely awake. Everything was blurry and she felt so sleepy.

Tony was in his lab when he got a alert from Friday. " What is it fri?" Tony asked. " It seems the parkers car is on its side." Fridays robotic AI voice sounding as concerned as a AI could.

Tony, being the overprotective irondad he is had put a system in their car to alert him is they were in danger

" WHAT?!" Tony exclaimed jumping out of his chair. Tony called his suit. " Friday send me their coordinates" He said as he zoomed out of the window going as fast as he could.

For a regular person it would have taken forty five minutes to get from the tower to where May and Peter were. But it only took Tony about fifteen minutes.

Tony looked down worriedly as he was flying until he spotted a car on its side. He quickly landed and got out of his suit.

He threw the drivers door to the side and saw a bloody and limp May. " May!" May blinked she could barely hear or see. " T-tony?" Her voice was so quiet. " W-Where's Peter?"

Tony cursed under his breathe. Peters in this car? Right his competition was today. That made Tony more frantic. He ripped open the back seat of the passenger side door. And sure enough was a bloody Peter. Tony carefully lifted Peter out of the car.

He rested Peter on the ground as he lifted May out of the car. Tony got back into his suit as the ambulance came. He placed May and Peter on a stretcher.

It hurt Tony's heart to see them so hurt.That's exactly what he never wanted to happen to them, and here it was, happening.


The last thing I remember were loud sirens, flashing lights and the iron man suit placing me down on a stretcher.

Then it all went black.

I woke up to a bright white light. I was in a hospital bed. " Ma'am? Ma'am?" A voice said.
I turned my head to see a nurse. " Where Peter?" I asked.

My voice didn't sound the same, it sounded weaker. The nurse smiled. " He's still asleep, he should wake up soon" I nodded my head.

Then Tony came rushing into the room.
" Tony!" I exclaimed. I tried to be louder, but it was so quiet.

" Are you ok?" He asked. "Y-Yeah, I think so. Where's Peter?" I asked. " He's still unconscious, he has very serious wounds" I nodded. I started to sit up a little but I was pushed down.

" You still need to heal too, you have a broken rib and arm" I suddenly felt the pain in my ribs and arm. " That explains the pain"

~ le time skip to next day~

Nobody's pov

May was allowed out of her bed, the nurses gave her a cast and sling for her arm and wrapped around her rib cage.

Tony and May went to visit Peter in med bay, he had still been unconscious since yesterday.
" Hey Bruce, hows he doing?" Tony asked as they entered the medical room.

" He's good still unconscious, should wake up soon" Bruce replied. They both nodded.

May gratefully smiled at Bruce. " Thank you so much Bruce" Bruce smiled back " Just doing my job, and always happy to help Peter out. Especially after that crash."

Peter sleepily woke up blinking a few times.
" Hey Pete" Tony said.

" Who are you?"


That took me longer then I thought it would.

Lemme know if y'all would like a part two!

I've been working on so many chapters because I haven't uploaded in a while and the chapters that I have been uploading are trash.

I'm also writing a lot for my Replaced book because I post daily and I need more chapters

Woo! Lots of work to do.

We ya potatos!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs!" 🥔

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