Its okay, let me go pt.2

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Requested by Storywriter2506

whos ready for more death!
Angst, obv.

Im pretty sure y'all remember what part one was about.

my writing\wording is very casual and not very author like.

It was good in " Cinders of it all" because thats a ballroom and its pretty easy to use more formal words in that type of chapter.

for Nat's pov im just gonna experiment with some more fAnsAy words lmao. so it might be FoNkY.

it low-key feels weird writting fAnSaY for Nat because she is so not fancy lol.

Nat's pov

" Nat, Where's Pete?"

I don't know what to tell him. How do you tell someone their son just perished?

You don't.

Well, i didn't.

I was still processing it myself.

It seemed like a normal day, The sun weaving its way into the compound from the substantial windows. The bright light reflecting off mixed metal objects and the huge time machine pad we were abiding on.

In which brought my attention back to the team.

They search my eyes for answers but I only respond with a single tear, confirming their feared ponderings. A horrible silence fell upon us, a silence that only filled me with more pain as the loss sunk in.

Our eyes meeting for the last time before he was gone.

The look of fear on his face, But also determination and one of comfort.

As if saying ' Its okay, let me go'

Thankfully my memories of loss were cut from my head as a loud thud startled us.Peering over to where the sound erupted from we saw a sight that worried us.

We presided over to Tony who was crumpled on the undercoat in a daze.

We all tread outside the medical room where Tony was resting.

" He's fine. Just fainted" Bruce vocalized impending from a sleeping Tony's attendance. " Oh thank god" I say in a sigh of subsidy which the others also do.

When Anthony- though he hates being called that- awoke we retreated to a small lake that was derriere of the compound.

( Derriere = Dare-e-air)

A tiny sheltered pergola sat at the edge of a dock overlooking the loch. We sat on settles still staying in silence.

" We have the stones, we can get him back" Thor states all-knowingly. " It can't be undone." I pipe up.

" It was supposed to be me "

Well that was fun.

Tonys pov

Oh how Peter would love to see this Tony thought sadly to himself.

They were leading a huge army to go against Thanos.

( hah! I'm putting you through endgame again!! sucks for you)

Next thing i knew Captain Marvel came in and destroyed Thanos's ship. A bunch of water splashed from where the ship fell. Doctor Strange went over and created a whirlwind of water preventing it from flooding onto the battle field.

I look over in time enough to see Carol get thrown- or yeeted, as Peter would have said. God I miss him so much already- to the floor.

I look back over to Strange who gives me a pointed look and raises a finger. It took me a minute to realize it but it finally hit me.


Before I know what Im doing I run over to Thanos clutching the gauntlet in my hands. We tug it back and forth, he is fed up with me still holding it. But I am distracted by the stones that secretly remove themselves from their place on the over-sized gold glove.

Just as the last stone barely makes it onto the tip of my finger I also get *yeeted* back.

I lay on the ground, tired. Until i hear " I am Inevitable" and a clunk of metal when i decide to get up and face my fate.

Thanos is looking at the back of his gauntlet confused. The stones take their right place on the back of my knuckles making *satisfying* sounds * Zendaya ASMR 😏* 

" And I........."

" Am Iron man"

As I snap my fingers a white light blinds my vision. I limp over to a tree root and sit down weakly. Rhodey lands infront of me. And after a while so does Pepper.

" Pep.." I whisper so quietly it is barely heard. I also see the team gather behind her.

" You can rest now Tony" She smiles.

" Its okay, Im letting you go"

I made it come full circle didnt i?

I actually love that.

Because " It's okay, let me go" and " It's okay, I'm letting you go"

Yeah- you get it.

this chapter was done in a hour. Nat's pov took me the longest lol. i kept asking siri. " Hey siri, whats another word for...."


i felt like a poet.
you can just call me Philip Hamilton.

I liked that ending so much that i ended it there, But

Since every Marvel movie has after credits and Endgame didn't......

i shall grant you one.

Y'all ready for the post-endgame credit scene you never got?


Tony's pov.

I weakly smile at my wife before everything goes black.

Its peaceful.

But suddenly a blinding lights overtakes the darkness. I open my eyes and I am laying down. I get up and there's nothing but white for miles.

I hear footsteps from behind me.

" Its good to see you again....."

" Mr.Stark"

" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?"🥔

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