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Publication date 2019

Thor always thinks it's funny to put his hammer in doorway so people can't open the doors. One day Peter woke up and had to go to the bathroom. But Thor put his hammer infront of the door. Peter was so sleepy he didn't seem to notice. he picked up the hammer and opened the door and was walking to the counter to put the hammer down on the counter.he looked up realizing all the Avengers ( except tony)  sitting on the couch and starring at him. " why are you all starring at me funny? " Peter asked. " did you just pick up Thor's  hammer?" Natasha asked. " huh? Did I What?" Peter asked. Looking down at the hammer then stepping back two steps realizing that he just did. Thor got up from the couch and walked towards Peter. " it looks like you are indeed worthy young man of spiders" Thor said putting his hand on Peters shoulder." B-but I didn't mean t- it was a accident. I didn't mean to pick up your hammer I had to go to the washroom." Peter said. " sooooo you didn't know what you were picking up? You didn't look at it?." Clint asked. All the other Avengers still starring. " I- I guess not" Peter shrugged. "pick it up again man of spiders" Thor said. Peter put his  hand on the handle. He lifted it up with ease. All the other Avengers gasped even though they just saw Peter carrying it already. Then tony walked into the room. He stopped and stared  at Peter. " did I miss something?" Tony said. All the Avengers giggled. " it looks like your young  Peter here is worthy stark"Thor said. " I CAN LIFT THORS HAMMER!!!!" Peter shouted  excitedly. " who else is worthy uncle Thor?" Peter asked. " hmm captain is worthy but I wanna see them try." Thor said inviting the Avengers to try and lift his hammer again. Tony was first. He placed his hand on the handle and tugged. He put both hands on the handle and rugged even harder. " urrrrrrrrgghhhh" tony grunted trying to lift the hammer. It didn't budge. " cmon kid! Your showing me up!" Peter giggled. Tony kept trying. Eventually he gave up. Natasha tried next. Still nothing. Steve obviously picked it up. All the Avengers tried and nobody could seem pick it up." Wow.." Natasha said " a fifteen year old kid showing me up" Peter giggled at  Natasha's comment. " maybe one day auntie nat." Peter said. Maybe one day.

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