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Peter loved pulling pranks. And everytime he did he would always have to video it to remember it.

Peter pulls out the camera and points it to the Avengers singing karaoke after the song was done the camera follows tony going into the kitchen. Then the camera gets placed on the couch and peter goes up and take the micro phone. " I would like to dedicate this to my awesome dad"( not his actual dad but they became super close so peter calls tony dad now) so peter began singing. " iron man iron man does whatever iron can! Does he rust? Yes he does and once he watched me turn to dust!"
Tony runs out of the kitchen screaming and starts chasing peter around the living room. The video cuts.

That was a meme I found online and I turned it to a story I do not own the
rights over that meme.

Peter knows the Avengers would do anything to protect him and he would do the same for them. " watch this " Peter says to the camera. Then screams really loudly as if he was in pain. The sound of footsteps come racing up the stairs. Tony arrives seconds before the rest of the Avengers do. Expressions of worry on their faces. Peter laughs. The Avengers faces go from pissed to smiling to laughing with him. " got you guys!" Peter says still giggling.

Sorry that was short! See you in the next chapter!

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