Snap...( pt 3)

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As soon as they got back, tony went to his room.

How could he let that happen? It was supposed to be him. I lost the kid, twice.

Im a horrible parent.

" tony.." came peppers voice in the room.
" they're worried about you, it's not your fault"

" but it is, he was s great kid. He was so selfless. He was being bullied at school. He didn't think I knew, but I did. And he let the person bully him so he wouldn't bully other people. He did everything for everyone else, thought of himself last. He was a great kid, he deserved everything. And I brought him death. I failed once, I tried again and I brought him death again. I failed." Tony shifted uncomfortably at his seat at the window.

" tony you didn't fail, you brought him back, it was his choice. Just like you were going to choose to do it" pepper walked up to tony and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I just...... I just need to be alone" tony said turning away from pepper.

" ok, but check in with the rest of the Avengers later. It's not your fault" pepper said before exiting the room.

Leaving tony with his thoughts, which was never a good thing. Twice. Why did he decide to do it?

He didn't tell peter how much he meant to him. How much he cared about him. He lost him, brought him back. Only to be lost again.
( I'm looking at you Sony and Disney)

He didn't tell him the first time, he was to careless. To stubborn to show any emotion. Even to the person who mattered the most to him. ( and pepper and Morgan ofc)

He got a second chance, a few moments before peter was off in battle again. The next place he saw him was where he was scratched up, lights going up his arm.

He couldn't get the sound of peter screams in agony out of his head. But also his soft whispers before his final breath.

His whispers were so soft, so frail yet so painful with each word he spoke.

Why did he stop me from doing it? Why couldn't he let me do it?

" because he cared about you" Stephens voice startled tony, snapping him out of his thoughts.

" h-how long were you spying on me?"

" not long" Stephen said from his place leaning on the doorway.

" it had to be done" " but why wasn't it me?" Tony asked, finally looking up.

" it was supposed to be, but he cared to much about you" tony didn't reply. Tony was willing to give up his life for this kid, but it ended up being the other way around.

" you should come, they're worried about you" and with that strange left the room.

Tony reluctantly got up, he just wanted to sit there and sulk forever, with the thoughts of peter in his mind. His touch, his warm smile and his cheery laugh.

But he knew he had to go see the team, and pepper wouldn't like if he stayed there forever but whatever pepper said, after this he just wanted to stay in his room. In a land of his thoughts, a place where peter was still alive.

But how was this any different from when he lost peter before? I guess this time, it felt like it was real. Like he was really gone.

Not just the other 50% of the universe, dusted. It felt like there was still abit of hope that they weren't really gone.

But after the five years it felt to distant to be fixed. But here he is was.

He got up, but felt unsteady. He clasped the wall to balance himself and he stumbled over to the living room. He barely made it there without his knees giving up on him.

When Tony stumbled to the living room pepper caught him before he was about to collapse on the floor.

" Tony! Tony are you alright?" Pepper asked the man in her arms.

" yeah, yeah just a bit unsteady." Tony said standing up.

Only for his knees to give out once more. He got up and clasped the wall again. Tony steadied himself and was able to stand.

He made his way over to the rest of the Avengers who were looking at the lifeless boy on the couch.

His whole right arm and half of his face were burnt and black. Minor scratches every where and a bloody face.

As soon as tony saw his son on the couch again, he couldn't take it. He felt his world spiralling down on him again.

He started to hyperventilate, and dropped to the floor.

" tony!" Bruce said placing a hand on Tony's shoulder. Tony looked up to see the boys lifeless face.

Tony put a hand on the boys face. It was cold and so still. He moved his hand to Peters neck (dirty mind get out pls)

As tony was about to get up he felt something. It was very little movement but he felt something.

A slight....


900 words

OOF! What's going to happen? Is there going to be a part four? Idk. To be honest he's probably hallucinating 😱SPOILER! Sorry.

It may not be a spoiler if there's not going to be a part four.So, I was going to do a part four, should I?

Let me know!


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