Car crash pt 2

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"  Who are you?"

Tony and May were frozen " Banner?" Tony turned to face Bruce.

" Ahhh," Bruce frantically said while typing fast on the computer. After a while of fast typing Bruce sighed." I'm sorry Tony, but the crash made him have such a severe concussion that he lost his memories" Bruce sighed.



It's been a week since Peter lost his memories. It's been more quiet around the tower. The Avengers and Pepper have been trying to comfort me, but it just wasn't the same.

I knew Peter felt bad that he didn't remember me. We've been spending some time together but he was just that shy awkward kid.

Not the Peter I remember. I was in the kitchen while May and Peter were watching tv. " Why don't you ask Tony if he can show you the dance studio?" May whispered to Peter.

Peter gasped. " There's a dance studio here?! This place really does have everything!!" He exclaimed.

Peter came running up to me with the biggest smile I've seen him have in a while. He stood in front of me practically vibrating. " Ok ok, Pete. Follow me" I rolled my eyes fondly, with a smile on my face.

I could see from the corner of my eye the Avengers and May were watching us. I lead Peter to the dance room, his eyes grew bigger if that was even possible.

Third pov

Peter started doing a dance combo in front of the mirror, Tony recognized it as the dance he was supposed to perform at the dance competition.

But it felt as if the more practising he did the more he forgot. He practiced over and over but he forgot all the steps one by one each time he did it. Soon he only remembered the first step. It was frustrating.

To finally grasp something but it slowly slipping out of reach again. Peter broke down onto his knees and started sobbing. Tony came and sat beside Peter.

" Hey, what's wrong bud?" Tony asked soothingly. " Everytime I practice I remember less and less. I really want to remember I want to! I want to remember you a-and the Avengers  a-and this dance, I don't even know where it came from." Peter rambled and started sobbing again.

"It's ok bud, it's ok." Tony said placing a hand on Peters shoulder.


Tony placed a hand on my shoulder as I sobbed. God, I'm such a baby. But this feeling felt all to familiar....


Peter was practicing in the dance room. The same music playing over and over. Every move mastered. But a few mistakes here and there.

" urghhh" Peter frustratingly flopped onto his knees. Tony came in the room. " Hey, Pete" he said as he sat beside Peter. " What's wrong?"

" I can't get this dance right! It needs to be perfect or else we're gonna loose and it will be my fault. I don't wanna fail my team" Peter cried. " You won't. Your over working yourself. Your not going to fail them. I think your he best dancer on the team" Tony said placing a hand on Peters shoulder.


Third pov

All the memories came flying ( or swinging 😏 ok I'll leave) into his brain. It made his brain hurt. He looked up at Tony. " D-Dad?" Peter asked.

Tony raised a eyebrow. Peter dove in and hugged Tiny.

" I remember dad" Peter's voice was muffled in Tony's chest. " You do?!" Stark asked shocked. Peter nodded.

" That's great Petey"


The Avengers all hugged Peter. It was a great reunion and it felt good to have their cinnamon roll, meme referencing Peter back

So, I've been working on that for like a week now...? Idk y it always takes me so long to write story's.

Like I said it part one of this it is not my idea it was inspired by another authors writing. And your guys's requests are coming soon. I promise.

As for Replaced I kinda only have one sentence written for my next chapter 😂.

Yeah I know what I want to do later in the book but like I don't know how to connect it y'know? And I don't know how they are gonna get out of the situation they r in so.


Writers block sucks and sometimes I'm just a lazy couch potato I'm trying to be more productive with my school work and my writing.

I literally finished this in class after I finished my socials test.

Ah the stress of being a author! 😊

Anyway Ik I already announced this a while ago but

SRSLY?! REPLACED IS #1 IN TONY?! Ahhajkanakajaja. I can't believe how many reads this book and my replaced book has. Like cmon 9k reads?!

I started out at four reads!

I can't thank y'all enough. And Ik I've been a horrible author. I'm trying.

Anyway. See you Potatos!!

Love you 3000!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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