Face Time

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" I just wanted to be like you"

" I wanted you to be better"

" God, I sound like my dad"

Ring ring ring ring ring
Peter groaned and sat up sleepily as he reached for his phone. He was expecting it to be Ned or something fangirling about how awesome Peter did.

But surprisingly, when he checked the collar ID it was the one and only Tony Stark. Peter jumped at how surprised he was to have Tony calling him, Tony never calls him.

What if he's mad at me? I did just go behind his back. Peter quickly tried to comb out his hair with his hand and answered the call.

Tony's face appeared on the screen. " Hey kid, woah did you get any sleep? Why am I asking that? You jut fought a super villain"

" H-Hi Mr.Stark, I-I'm sorr-"  Peter stuttered.
" Kid, why are you sorry?" Peter was surprised. He wasn't mad at me? " Y-Your not mad?"

" Well, you did just do what I told you not to do, but I'm proud of you kid. Maybe next time tell me when your about to fight a super villain twenty feet in the air and get crushed by a wear house? Speaking of, that sounds painful are you ok?"

Peter giggled. " Yes, Mr.Stark I'm fine, Thanks. Buuuuut how was I supposed to tell you?! You took my suit away when I needed it!! I had no way of contacting you! Annnddd you would have just gotten mad at me again!" He defended.

" Peter? What's going on in there? Are you ok?" May called out. " Yes May I'm fine!" May opened the door. " You sure sweetie?" " Yes May-"

" Hi may, How are you?" Tony called out. Peter gave him a 'really?' Look. " Oh hey Tony, yeah I'm good how are you!" " I'm good" Tony replied. May have Peter one last smile before closing the door.

" Well, I can't compete with that kid that is true, Though you did go behind my back I would like to thank you and congratulate you on how good you did. You also risked your life to save my tech." Tony smiled.

Peter perked up immediately " Really? Thanks Mr.Stark!" Tony smiled but then sighed. " You know Peter, I've never been that kinda person to share my feelings-" Peter snorted. " Yeah, I think the whole world knows that"

It was Tony's turn to give a ' really?' Face. " Anyway, you shouldn't be scared to tell me something because I will get mad. The reason I was hard on you is because I don't want you to end up like me. I care for you, Pete. I really do. Your a great kid"

Peters smile grew even bigger. " Awww thanks Mr.Stark" " Tony your gonna make me cry. I don't even think you've been that straight forward with me" Peter could hear Ms. Potts say in the background.

" Hi Ms.Potts!!" Peter boomed. "Hi Peter!" Pepper said as she entered the frame and Tony's face slowly got pushed out.

" You know, he's never been that straight forward with anyone. Not even with me. He secretly see's you as a son" She whispered the last part.

Tony groaned on the background."Pepperrrrrr"
Peter giggled at how childish Tony could sound sometimes. " Well tell him I see him as a father figure and that he'd be a great father someday" Peter smiled.

Pepper smiled back " Your so sweet Peter, will do" She said before handing the phone back to Tony. Tony's eyes were a bit watery. " Mr.Stark are you ok?" Peter asked. " uh, N-nothing Pete I'm fine."

" Ok......?" " Peter time for dinner!" May called out. " Coming May!" Peter called back. " I have to go, Bye Mr.Stark!" " Bye kid!" Peter hung up. He put his phone back on the side table before rushing out the door.

May cooked a lot of food for Peter because he ate a lot. That was because of his fast metabolism. But May just found out that he was spiderman.

" Thanks May!" Peter said as he sat down at the table beside May. " No problem sweetie" She replies as she kissed his forehead. " Talking tO Tony Stark now huh?" She smirked.

" That's actually the first time he ever called me. He was congratulating me one my recent victory from the vulture"

May smiled " That is something to be proud of. I'm so proud of you Peter. Your growing up so fast"

Wassup potatos!

If you didn't see on my board I will be trying to post way more Today. On my replaced and on here.

Hope you enjoyed the story! This is just something I found online but the conversation is completely by me.

I needed inspiration because I don't have any ideas whatsoever.

Btw, is there any Hamilfans out there? Just wondering for a future chapter THANKS!

See ya Potatos!

-Nat 💜

" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?"  🥔

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