Im sorry Mr.Stark

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" Just accept it you little spider brat" The villain spat.
"You will never defeat me"

Peter didn't know what to do, he tried everything. But now he is stuck.

Stuck under the villains control.

" I've got you locked up, and now you'll never see the light of day" the villain laughed evilly.

This was it.

He was finally giving up.

There was nothing he could do anymore.

He lost everything. It didn't matter what he did. Everyone he loved died. New York would probably forget about him.

He was weak, and injured. Near death.

Might as well just die.

The villain laughed and creeped close to Peter. Knowing this was it, this was his death, whispered one more final thing.

" I'm sorry Mr.Stark. I'm sorry I failed you"

Peter closed his eyes tight expecting a large spring of pain, but instead he heard his suit start operating and then...

" Hey kid"


Peter opened his eyes and saw Tony starring at him.

It's like he was really there...

" Kid if you see this, it means I didn't make it. I made another video. Hopefully you saw it already and Pepper played it at my funeral.

If I had one.

I made this second one just for you. Programmed Karen to only play it at a specific time and place.

So, you are probably fighting someone, something, near death. That type of stuff"

How does he always know?

" Been there before, where you just wanna give up. Stop fighting. Finally be at peace.

Tell you what, I won't be at peace if you do that.

Don't disrupt my peace kid!

You can do this, don't give up.

I believe in you......."

Peter hasn't heard those words in so long.

It's been a while since someone told him to keep fighting.

" in watching you Pete, and I'll always be here for you.

Love you 3000"

The hologram shut off and Peter lay there for a few seconds, staring at the spot Tony's hologram was just at.

" You're right Mr.Stark. I have to keep fighting"

Peter gathered all the strength he could and got up.

He continued to fight.

And with Mr.Stark next to him....

He will never loose.

Hey y'all!!

Haven't updated in a while.

Sorry it's short, just a filler chapter.

Short and sweet 🙂

Guess who's failing math ✌️✌️

I had a breakdown, then the next day had five breakdowns in two hours!

Hahah new recordddd!!!!

I'll update again soon.

Love you all PoTaToS.


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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