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Peter parker was in his room, drowned under the covers. The endless sounds of


He reached his phone and dialled a number. " Peter, it's been FIFTEEN minutes since I left. I'm in a meeting"


" Peter what is that?!"

"I want cereal!!"

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone.
" You called me just for that?"

" Im stuck in my room I can't get cereal"

" Sure you can. Get up from your bed-" Tony started.

" You lost me at step one" Peter stated blankly.

" Peter I'm serious, walk out of your room open the cabinet and there is a whole bunch of cereals to choose from"

" I kind of left out a very very smaaaaallllll detail.."

A annoyed sigh came from Tony on the other end. "What is it?"

" there's kind of a chicken in my room. Oh, he's going to the kitchen. MR.STARK I THINK HE POOED! I SMELL POO!"

" What the. Ok, I'll be up in five"

Five minutes later the elevator dinged and into Peter's room came a Tony Stark.

" Shoo shoo!" He said shooing the chicken out of the room.

Peter emerged from his layers of blankets. " Hi Mr.Stark" The young spider smiled.

Peter followed Tony out of the room and Tony asked one of the janitors to get the chicken out of the building.

The janitor came and Tony took some wipes and scooped up the poo. Spraying some Lysol on the counter after.

" Peter how the heck did a chicken get on the highest floor of the tower?

Where does a chicken come from in a big city?"

" I don't know I was just VIBINN in my room and then the chicken came"

" Peter you confuse me"

Peter just innocently smiled to which Tony sighed.
" Weren't you supposed to be doing homework?"

" I was taking a break because when my boi A.Ham didn't he did a no no"

" I swear your the most chaotic toddler ever" Tony ruffled his hair.

" Hey! Says you"

" Yeah whatever"



Just a short chapter for now.

I went on a road trip and got a lot of writting done. Yey.

We stayed at the hotel for a few nights and let me tell you waking up on the beach ans reading was amazing

I got a new actual not digital book.

And it's Eliza and Alex

And I love it sm.

I also ordered and Hamilton and Peggy book that should be coming.

But Here's some pics.

 But Here's some pics

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