You always save me

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More death

A time comes when a young man can't hold it in.

So he didn't.

He didn't care he was wobbling down the sidewalk sobbing, he didn't care people were giving him weird looks.

All he wanted was his father figure back.

When Tony was alive, every year for his birthday Peter would get Tony flowers and a gift.

Yes, flowers were a weird gift for a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

But what mattered is that they were from Peter, From the heart.

Peter stopped on a bench, not being able to walk any longer. His apartment was just a few blocks from there. But he decided he needed to break.

" Mr.Stark....." he whispered underneath his breathe.

" I don't think I will be able to give you flowers this year. At least, not from where most people will be giving them to you. I know you wouldn't be proud of me right now, and that's all I ever wanted. Was for you to be proud. But I'm sorry, I can't. When I get home.... I'm going to do it Mr.Stark. I'm going to end it"

Peter took in a shaky breathe. And sat in the silence for a bit. The speeding cars going by, the honks and the tire screeching.

But what hurt most was the people. The happy people who had smiles on their faces, getting off work to see their family.

" You have always saved me Mr.Stark. But your not here anymore"

" So nobody can save me"

There it was...

The silence.

The silence always strikes, making it more painful for a shattering heart to stay glued.

" Young man?"

Peter looks up to the voice whom called him.

" Are you alright young man?" A man asked. He wasn't tall, a bit short.

Now, usually his answer would be ' oh, I'm fine' but he couldn't hide it anymore.

Peter just looked at his hands and shook his head. " no...." the man frowned. " Do you need a ride?"

" That....that would be nice"

" Where ya headed?"

Honestly he didn't know where he was headed. He was going to go back to his apartment and do it. End it.

But something caught in his throat when he tried to answer.

" The flower shop"

" The flower shop?" The man questioned. " The flower shop" Peter reassured.

On the way to the flower shop Peter and the man had a pleasant conversation. Peter found himself actually smiling.

He felt like Peter again.

Once Peter had bought the flowers the man was kind enough to also bring him to the cemetery.

" I'll wait outside the car, kid" The man smiled, leaning his back onto the outside of his drivers door.

" Thank you" Peter have a small smile back before heading toward the iron man memorial.

There were already hundreds of flowers lined up, Peter put his in a spot in the middle, where the flowers perfectly fit.

" Mr.Stark......."

" Thank you, for saving me again"

" Hey kid! You ready to go?!" The man politely shouted. Peter turned around to look at him and smiled widely. A genuine smile.

" I'm coming Tony!!"

I'm Emotional.


If you don't get it ' Tony' saved him again. But it's not Tony Stark. It's a different Tony.

But still like-

Ye whatever.

It made more sense before XD.

I have a few chapters I'm working on.

Ye bai.


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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