She confided in me

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I write this chapter during lunch and I wrote it really quickly.

Since my Hamilton oneshot book isn't getting as much love, and I am really proud of this chapter especially since it didn't take me that long.

I am going to put it here.
And because I feel like I owe u guys something. 💕

I should probably work on requests AND do ACTUAL IRONDAD because I feel like we haven't done that in a while lol.


Peggy's pov,

I was at my family's annual ball, the winters ball.

Me and my sisters were standing gracefully at the front of the ballroom.

I felt kinda out of place though, I was used to being to tons of balls and gatherings, I always felt less special next to Angelica and Eliza.

Anyone would love to be standing next to them like I am, but not me. I would love to be appreciated for who I am, not just Angelica and Eliza's little sister.

The third choice.

People would ask me to dance.

Only for money.

Or because Angelica and Eliza were busy.

OR because my parents told me to dance.

A while later Angelica and Eliza are on the dance floor.

I'm standing there watching.

I don't mind, dancing isn't my thing. But I do always feel lesser of a person because my sisters are so great.

Everyone knows we are close.

But when we are all together Angelica and Eliza only ask for my opinion occasionally.

I was just there little bunny that follows them around.

And when I didn't, they would call upon me and say they "needed me" but once I was there it was as if I was one of those maids.

I watched as petticoats and silk skirts flew gracefully in the air. Angelica and Eliza looked stunning.

Eliza seemed to have found a new boy toy.

Everyone thinks Eliza is the sweet one, And Angelica is the belle of the ball. The "thief of hearts". But sweet Eliza has had many boy toys, just like Angelica.

I studied the mans face that Eliza danced with. I recognized him as General Washington's new aide-de-camp.

His right hand man.

Alexander Hamilton.

As the music ended Eliza danced with him again. I have never seen her do that. She must really like him.

Once their second dance was over Eliza was swept away to someone else. I could see a hint of jealousy on Hamilton's face.

Alexander saw me and smiled, he's approaching me.

Oh great, here we go again.

If someone can't get the other Schuyler sisters, they go for me. Again, the third choice.

But I can see right through them, they don't like me. They flirt with me and tell me all kinds of things I have heard before.

I know if I courted one of them they would only use it for boasting. " I'm dating a Schuyler sister" and for the riches my family has.

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