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Y'all already know so much about me because of previous tags and long àss authors notes 🤣

And sorry for this not being a update.

But I literally just gave you one and I am working on a pretty good chapter too.

Also, I haven't been updating on my Hamilton oneshot book in a while because nobody reads it so I have no motivation for that story.

But I do have lots of ideas for it, just no reads or motivation.

Night or day?Day

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Night or day?

Actually...... idk.

Winter or summer?

Summer 3000%

Water or fire
Fire is cool. But when it's there i imagine it blowing up and it's scary so water.

I like water, it taste amazing

But I don't know how to swim and the ocean is scary 😂
Blue or pink?

But also both.

Dogs or cats?

I love dogs. But as a pet for me cats.
I already lived with a dog.

Romance or horror?
I don't like horror.

I have enough anxiety as it is.

But I'm not rlly into romance either.

But that Eliza and Alex book was amazing so romance.


Like would I rather be calm or excited?

Or when other people are calm or excited?

Idrk, idrc.

Television or exercise

Ew exercise.

But I don't really watch tv. I just use my phone.

Tbh depends on what type of exercise tho, because I dance.

Fast food or fruit?

I like fruit. Haven't had it in a while tho.

Fast food lmao.


Love or friendship?


Shy or friendly?

I am both.




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