Tonys nightmare

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Tony woke with a bolt up from his bed, panting hard. His breathing was uneven

There was a knock on the door, Steve came in with a hint of worry in his face.

" tony... you ok?" Steve asked softly approaching the bed.

Tony was not ok, he was having a panic attack, he couldn't think straight and his breathing got faster and faster and he couldn't control it, Peters words ringing in his head over and over again.

Steve sat on the edge of the bed next to Tony
" breathe with me Tony, one...two...three, there you go" Tony's breathing started going back to normal again.

After a few minutes of of counting his breathing went back to normal again.

" tell me what happened tony" Steve said caringly. " I- I couldn't save him Steve,I c-couldn't save him" Tony stuttered

" save who?" Steeb hesitantly said. " P-Peter, he turned to dust in my arms and I didn't do anything!"

Flashback to yesterday

" ok, peter be carful" tony said hugging the teenage boy in his arms.

" don't worry I'll be fine!" Peter said to Mr.Stark before hopping on the bus full of kids and driving off.

" don't worry tony it's only a four day trip" Natasha said putting a reassuring hand on Tony's shoulder.

Before peter left he had told Steve about Tony's nightmares and that he would need comforting.

Peter told Steve because he believed he could help Tony in a way he couldn't, tell him that he wouldn't hurt him anymore.

Back to present

" but you did save him tony, you came up with a way to go back in time and bring him back, you did it. You got the infinity stones from Thanos and gave them to captain marvel ( who snapped)" Steve said reassuringly.

" I know, but it still scares me" Tong shivered at the thought.

" what else happened tony?" Steve asked quietly putting a hand on Tony's back.

" I-I saw you thrusting your shield into my arc reactor again but with all the dead bodies that I couldn't save around me" he shuddered

Steve then felt guilt overcome him he didn't know that what happened during civil war impacted Tony so much, it impacted him to but he didn't know it impacted tony this much.

" T-Tony I-I'm sorry I did that to the thing that's keeping you alive and just left you there to die I'm so so sorry, just know that I won't do anything to hurt you again" Steve comforted tony by rubbing soothing circles into his back.

Three nights of nightmares later

Friday alerted Steve of Tony's heart rate picking up, Steve tiredly got up from his bed and speed walked down the hall to Tony's room.

This time it was a dream nobody was expecting, not even tony.

Steve came into Tony's room expecting Tony to be having a panic attack or something but no, he just looked really frazzled and slightly creeped out.

" tony what happened? You don't seem to be having your usual panic attack" Steve Joked at the end.

Steve sat on Tony's bed placing a hand on Tonys shoulder.

" uh.. I asked someone I liked out, and they just laughed at my face and kinda.. killed me?" Tony said more like a question.

" sooo... somebody killed you again?"

" ya basically"

" it's ok, Tony. Your here, nobody's going to kill you. the Avengers need you."

Tony only nodded. " well, I think you should definitely ask that person out, if they say no, tell them I'll come and beat them up" Steve said getting up and preparing to leave.

" Steve.."

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