Tonys nightmare pt 2

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Steve stopped in his tracks, he turned around and gave the man a slight smile " yes tony?" He asked softly.

" will you..... go out with me?" Tony asked shyly.

Steve looked taken back, shocked. He didn't know tony was talking about him. Tony and Steve were good friends and over these past few nights while helping tony with his nightmare has gotten them closer.

Steve's shocked face scared tony, would he say no? He probably doesn't like me, I don't know what to do, I don't want to ruin our friendship.

" uh-uh yeah sure, I'd love to" Steve said stuttering at first, but giving a reassuring smile at the end.

Tony felt a wave of relief corn over him, he said yes. Tony smiled at Steve and gave him a hug,
" thanks Steve" tony whispered.

Steve didn't know what to reply with, he felt a smile tug at his lips.

Once they broke their hug, Steve retreated back to his room he glanced back at tony and gave him a smile before leaving the room.

Steve flopped down on his bed, he felt joy overtake him, he felt this warm feeling inside him that he never felt before.

~~~~Time skip brought to you by a cute Cinnabon peter~~~~

Steve and Tony went out for dinner, and it went pretty good.

They came out of the restaurant with big fat grins on their faces and holding hands.

They went back to the compound and waited outside.

Tony's face lighted up even more( if that was even possible) as he saw the big bright yellow bus come into view of the compound.

The bus stopped in from if tony and he heard lots of kids on the bus awe at the big sleek modern building behind them.

A certain brown haired teen came out of the bus excited. Peter ran into Tony's arms giving him a big hug.

" I missed you," peter whispered. " I missed you too kid, but you know it's only been four days since I saw you" Tony chuckled.

"I still missed you" Peter replied happily. They broke out of the hug and Tony wrapped a arm around peter as they started waking back to the compound.

Steve was waiting a few steps behind and Tony whispered something in Steve's ear as they passed him.

Peter could have heard but he wasn't really focusing, but he did find it a bit strange.

When they got up to the living room peter was greeted by the rest of the Avengers, it has been quite quiet around the compound without peter.

Once the Avengers were all cleared out of the living room Tony and Steve were sitting on the couch,holding hands and chuckling.

Tony rested his head on Steve's buff shoulder and looked into Steve's bright blue ocean eyes, they were hypnotizing but beautiful. When he looked into Steve's eyes he just felt safe.

A noise was heard from outside the living room. They saw peter walking into the room, but stopping and starring at the two. He saw their hands were holding each other, at this peter got extremely excited.

Him and Clint have been shipping and reading fanfics at ungodly hours about them. He would also always ask Friday to take pictures when Tony and Steve were around each other.

The two looked back at peter, unknowing of what to say. Finally peter broke out of his thoughts and broke the silence " are... are you guys....?"

" well... this is not the way we wanted you to find out but.....yeah" Tony said sheepishly.

Peter couldn't help but squeal and bounce off the walls, literally. His most favourite ship was finally a thing and he could not believe it.

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