The king

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I'm probably going to get emotional.

It was silent.

She didn't know what to say.

" Are...... Are you still going to continue to be on the battle field?"

" Of course, there are battles to be fought. And I have to fight them"

" Brother, this is going to make it harder and more dangerous to fight" She reasoned.

He dismissed her and said two words before walking away.

" Wakanda forever"


Shuri sat in her room. She was currently reading a dramatic romance novel. She usually either read history or romance.

She only read romance to laugh at the cliché and cringey love affairs authors came up with.

But right now she couldn't seem to focus on anything. She just stared off into the dark corners of her room. Her mind wandering off to her brother approaching her a few hours ago today, telling her...

He had cancer.

She hadn't come out of her room since. She decided to switch her romance novel for a medical book.

Wakanda has amazing tech, and Shuri was a genius. But Their medical information wasn't much more advanced then other countries.

And she was determined to find a cure for her brother.

~~ 4 years later ~~

Though she didn't admit it too much, she was worried about her brothers safety whenever he went on missions.

She spent hours in the lab inventing and thinking of ways to make her brothers gear and suits more safe and powerful.

Shuri will never forget the day her brother sealed his death when he was diagnosed with cancer.

But he still fought for the world to be a better place, and still ruled Wakanda as a great king.

Nobody would match up to him.

And that brought her here, standing at her older brothers funeral, beside her mother.

She had thought he died before, when he was yeeted off the cliff by Killmonger. But he came back to her.
He even saved her life.

She was hoping he would come back to her again, but that was impossible.

More tears started to fall and she choked out a small sob.

" Come here" Her mother whispered bringing Shuri into her chest. She cried into her mothers shoulder.

She would never get to tease her brother for unknown memes or would never get to hug him.

As the rest of the funeral guests, even her mother, left the grave. Shuri stayed behind, starring at her brothers resting place.

" This hurts, this really hurts"

She looked to the right, her fathers grave right beside her brothers.

" SHURI!! ITS TIME!!" Her mother called from outside her door. She looked herself in the mirror before taking a deep breath.

" Wakanda forever" She whispered quietly to herself before opening the door, her mother standing there.

" You look so beautiful, I'm proud of you" Shuri's mother smiled, pulling her daughter into a hug.

Shuri released another breath. " Ok" She smiled.

She was ready.

Shuri walked over to the grand doors. They opened and the sunlight hit her face, a warm feeling tingled her spine.

" Behold" The announcer said to the large crowd that made Wakanda, walking behind Shuri.

" Your new holder of the throne"

The announcer placed a black helmet in her hands. That once belonged to her brother and her father.

" And... Your new black panther"

She looked up at the cheering crowd, then down to the helmet that lay in her hands.

Would he be proud?

She knew, she would never live up to the great person T'Challa was, but she would try her best to follow in his foot steps.

He was the greatest king.

And she would try to be the greatest queen she could.

With her brother beside her in her heart.

The saddest part is when the person you shared the best memories with, become the best Memories....

Damn, that quote at the end is just...... woah.

While I was writing this it felt like a fan fic.

Like he isn't actually dead and this was just a story idea I came up with because I like killing my characters.

But nope it's 1000% real

Just imagine how Lettita is feeling. They were so cute and had a real life sibling relationship.

She posted like four Instagram posts about him.

I was watching tik toks about him and I cried.

This is the first death I have ever cried over. 😭

I can't stop thinking about it. Like it actually doesn't feel real.

Rough for the Marvel fans rn. 😭

Welp, Time to go die.

I feel like this chapter really doesn't describe how amazing he was. His acting was amazing. And he was able to film these most badass scenes as black panther WHILE going through tons of surgeries.

And he visited hospitals while he was struggling cancer HIMSELF.

He was a real superhero.


" WhaT dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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