The dance

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Hahahahhahah soooo...

Your time to shine again children 😉

I think y'all might be really happy with the paring this time😏

This sorta gives u a rebellious feel almost
Very dramatic and mid-evil time ish but also grand.
I'm obsessed with the 1700's rn so here..

I have the song above..
Kay so, You can read this with or without music, I don't care.


You couldn't believe this.

You were dancing with the man you despised.

The man your whole family despised.

Hated, even.

The one and only Loki Laufeyson.

You were at the ball your family was hosting for you. Their pride and joy, their gorgeous gracious beautiful young woman. A bunch of young lads had met your acquaintance, kisses to your delicate hand, bows and curtsies.

A tight corset squishing your ribs like steel walls. Pairs danced gracefully across the grand ballroom floor.

Laces and petticoats.

Wigs and powder.

You were wearing a gorgeous hooped dress that also showed off your figure and the small waist your corset made it to be.

This Loki was quite a flirt and charmer.

Any gal would love to catch a dance with this man.

But not you.

Oh no, not you.

You feuded with him ever since the day you were born.

But he had somehow snuck into your family's ball and stole you away to the dance floor.

His blue eyes lingered your face, like he was trying to remember every inch of your looks. As if he never wanted to forget you. He tightens his grasp of your small waist.

Suddenly your in the air as he spins you around. The white lace layers of your dress sway gracefully.

As you land back on the floor he pulls you even closer, his hot breath make your cheeks flush.

His nose so close to yours, you can practically feel his light skin.

His eyes now travel to your rosey red lips.

And he draws you in....

Kay so, now you know the bit of the backstory and the fan fic I wanted to make out of this.

Now what your about to read is basically the same thing, but shorter

Imagine your dancing with Loki, the man you feuded with since you've been born. His blue eyes dance all over your face, taking in every inch of you as if he never wants to forget you. He pulls you close, his grasp tightens around your waist. Suddenly your in the air as he spins you around. And brings you down close to him. And he draws you in..

Now play the music at 1:18

And imagine that paragraph.

Isn't it magical?

( p.s ideally, the " ARE YOU WITH ME!!"

Part is where he lifts you up.

To make it more magical 🙃)

Lmao, lemme know if it worked

( like PLEASE lemme know)

The research I had to do to make it magical tho.. XD.


So ye, I just gave you a chapter

AND a pretend scene with Loki WITH music to make the pretend scene in your head more magical.

Sorry if it was confusing for you.

( but if it worked, ITS AMAZING)

Sorry if it was confusing I'm not good at explaining


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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