Uncommon friends

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Loki and Thor went to the tower from Asgard to visit. The Avengers were still on high guard from what happened at the battle of New York.

Loki was in the kitchen and he turned around and suddenly there was a human there. " Oh jeez Mortal. You scared me, don't do that unless you want a knife up your throat by accident"

Wanda just stood there, unamused. " Hm, bold of you to assume I'm a mortal" She looked at her left hand and brought it up to her face inspecting it. Her accent coming through.

" You shouldn't threaten me. I could kill you. Who are you?" She asked. " Excuse me I am-" Loki got cut off. " Who." Wanda demanded. " I am Loki of Asgard. God Of mischief. Bold of you to assume you could kill me" 

Wanda still didn't look amused, she just walked past him to the coffee machine. She made her coffee and Loki watched intently. She didn't seem like a normal mortal.

" What are you doing here?" Her accent coming  through again as she held a mug of coffee and leaned her back on the counter.
" My brother is visiting the Avengers" Loki replied.

" Your not with them" she suddenly said. " Uh well we're-" Loki got cut off again. " Not on the best terms" Wanda finished, then taking a sip of her coffee.

" How did yo-" " the battle of New York" "huh?"
Wanda looked at him. " The battle. You were brainwashed. They don't fully trust you yet do they?"

" Look, I don't know where or how you know this but-" " You feel guilt." Wanda paused. Making Loki silent and waiting. " You felt guilty you were brainwashed that easily. You should have been stronger. Your a god. Aren't you?"

" Yes indeed I am, and I did not come here to be insulted by a morta-" " That's what you thought" " Excuse me?" " You shouldn't have been brainwashed that easily, that's what you thought. Guilt, what you felt."

" How do you know?" Loki was now interested. " Your not the only one with powerful magic" Wanda tilted her head at Loki. And moved her hand near her face as the sparkling red magic danced between her fingers.


" So, you can read minds as well?" Loki asked. Wanda nodded. " Well mortal, it seems your magic is almost as powerful as mine. Almost"

Wanda smirked. " Your just jealous, your magic can't do the things I can" " Hah, in your dreams"

" In your mind" Wanda sassed. " Stop looking at my mind!" Loki teasingly argued. " Why?"
" Because I don't like it"

" That's why I do it" Wanda smirked. Loki just rolled his eyes. " So, your brother. You two were close?" Loki asked.

" Hm, you could say so" Replied Wanda.
" Sounds like it" Loki said. " We were. I was devastated when he died. I knew I was more powerful then him I should have gone with him. I could have done more"

" I'm sure you did the best you could" Loki smiled. The two just sat there playing with their magic. Wanda was just realizing how beautiful it could be.

She remembered when she was young and how some little girls back in sokovia would dream of being superheroes with magic powers.

" You know, I've never enjoyed being with a mortal this much. We actually have a lot in common" Loki said, after a minute of two of silence. " None of them could make you smile either" Wanda smirked.

" Ok seriously, if you look in my head ONE time I will-" " Hmm? You'll what?" Wanda asked. Putting a hand over her head pretending to try and listen. " I'll-" " Say it again?"

" Oh my goshhhhhh" Loki groaned. Wanda giggled. " Love you too" the Avengers all walked in to see Wanda and Loki sitting on the couch, Wanda's legs were resting above Loki's. The two were giggling at each other while playing with their magic.

Loki finally found someone to relate to and actually enjoy being with. Wanda found someone to talk to as well.

I saw that pic and I was like " Well that's a pair nobody would think of" I don't rlly ship them here they are just friends. After all, how do you ship someone who had just known each other for like what a day?

I mean you can, not saying you can't. It feels like I haven't posted in a while.

I thought this was super cute and when I saw the pic I was like yeah makes sense to make those two friends.

And I feel like nobody gives too much attention to Wanda that's why I always include her more in my stories. ( and because I love her)

And Not to many ppl give too much attention to Loki. Even though there are a lot of Loki lovers 💜💜

I personally don't write about the gods that much so I thought it would be nice to. ( and I don't think I've written anything about Loki)

And dang this authors note is long.

Oh well, signature me 🤣😏

Baii potatos!

Oh, I have another idea for a oneshot I want to do ( curtesy of a comment on my Replaced book)

And I should get started on Car crash pt.2
I've just been super busy

Sorry this is super long lol.

( go check out my replaced book shameless self promo)

Ok I'll stop talking now

Baii potatos!

Love you!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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